Thursday, January 6, 2011

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"It would be great if John Paul II was beatified in this 2011, when they reach 25 years of his visit to Colombia"

25 years later on the roads of Colombia.

From the Embassy to the Holy See will promote the commemoration of this historic visit to the country.

Our country has only been visited by two Popes, Paul VI in August 1968 and John Paul II in July 1986. In this 2011 is the 25th anniversary of the visit of John Paul II, who led the church from 78 until 2005. This time round, 25, should be remembered in the country with gratitude, hope and a new impetus for a short time in the "grand", "God's athlete", "Pilgrim Pope" John Paul II, reaching altars.

these days in Rome and Poland su país natal, se habla de la inminente definición de la fecha de su beatificación, que al parecer, sería en mayo o en octubre próximos. Pueda ser que estos dos grandes eventos se junten. Sería fantástico que Juan Pablo II fuese beatificado en este 2011, cuando se cumplen los 25 años de su visita a Colombia

Juan Pablo II murió en Roma el 2 de abril de 2005. Semanas después,  el 28 de junio de ese mismo año, el Papa Benedicto XVI anunció al mundo la apertura de su proceso de canonización. En los últimos años, la Santa Sede a través de la Congregación para las Causas de los Santos, ha estudiado los testimonios sobre los posibles milagros realizados por el Siervo of God John Paul II. For the Church to declare him "Blessed" has to be stated at least one miracle and to be considered "holy", tested a new miracle after beatification.

During his visit to Colombia Juan Pablo II visited eleven cities: Bogotá, Pereira, Bucaramanga, Cartagena, Barranquilla, Cali, Armero, Popayán, Medellín, Tumaco and Chiquinquirá. Millions of people watched and listened and many memories that endure today in the lives of Colombians. "With the peace of Christ on the roads of Colombia" was the slogan at the time served inivitación to follow and currently recovers today.

In this regard it is worth promote various initiatives that serve to maintain the memory of the Pope and his influence left in the hearts of Colombians. These days a group of fellow journalists and producers working in the realization of a great documentary commemorating the 25 anniversary of the Pope's presence in Colombia. From Rome have our full support.

Colombia Embassy to the Holy See program, in partnership with other institutions, a day commemorating the legacy of John Paul II on issues like the dignity of human life, peace, social justice, poverty and public life . We will also promote the publication of several thematic books that collect the legacy of John Paul II and Benedict XVI.


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