Sunday, May 13, 2007

Cancer Fighting Quotes

Purpose: Spreading the cunning of the enemy against us to keep us on track, and knowing, be freed from the oppression it causes.


1 - This is a sermon in which talk of Satan and what he does against the sons of God. He is very interested mainly in us because the world has it in his hands, Eph.2: 2; 1Jn.5: 19.

2 - We are constantly stalked with his darts of fire, Ef.6: 16. because we live in a world of darkness that surrounds us: "For our struggle is not against human powers but against evil spiritual forces of heaven, which have control, authority and control over the dark world around us . Ef.6: 12.

3 - Can the enemy have control of us? How can we fight their control? Freeing their wiles can not, but if we can free ourselves from its influence on our lives.


  1. For a long time I heard that the enemy is more concerned about those who are no longer with him than those in the world, but nobody said anything else.

1. Nobody told me that haunts us daily 1P.5 8.

2. told me not trying to take control of my life, Hch.5 3.

3. He wants to trick me live defeated Jn.8: 44.

  1. What are their weapons?

1. Lies is the Devil's main weapon against us.

a) The main lie is that God uses lies, Gn.3: 1,4,5.

b) not want to trust the Word of God that is the truth. Jn.17: 17.

c) wants to make you feel like a useless, worthless, you can get divorced because you deserve to be happy, wants to take control of your mind to keep you enslaved a miserable life full of disasters. often makes you think that it is not worth serving God. He wants us to think that he is able , but it is more powerful than any Christian who fights against him, Stg.4.7.

2. Ignorance is another of his weapons. Os.4 6.

3. The devil tries to keep afraid all the time of our pilgrimage. The fear is the effect of the lie . It wants to take our thoughts and our emotions, and this causes us to live in a world of uncertainty. Ro.8: 15 ; Lc.8 50.

  1. The effect of the enemy's influence in our lives, we submit to slavery of a life miserable and joyless, defeated, no spiritual victory ever. HE.2: 15.
  2. God does not work effectively with a life that has not been fully released from the big lie.


  1. When we of believing, and we believe our position as sons of God, bring down the work of the enemy in our lives. Christ already defeated, and we can beat having full security of our position as sons of God, Eph.2 :4-6. We are with Christ in authority in the heavenly realms. That we are on thrones with Christ, means that we have authority over the powers of darkness, all because we are close to invincible King, who has defeated Satan forever. Beside, we also have the same authority.
  2. The first function of the enemy is to blind the understanding of the world, 2Co.4: 3.4. Therefore, also wants to stop our mind with the darkness of their lies. The battle that Satan wages is controlling our thoughts, control our mind, so you say, God does not answer my prayers, things go wrong in the church, it all goes wrong, I can not do so. But all human thought must be neutralized and converted to Christ, 2Co.10 5. We already mentioned that he wants to take control, Hch.5 3. Someone asked me how we can change negative thoughts, my answer was that only the sword of the Spirit, Ef.6: 12. 1Jn.2 14. The devil is a cockroach, when cockroaches crawl around the kitchen or somewhere in the house do when all the lights are out. But if you turn on the light, they immediately try to hide. When Satan sees the light of God's truth, try to hide, because the word of God is truth and is a liar.
  3. Through knowledge of the Word we combat the devil's lie. He lies, but the word is truth. Jn.17: 17.

1. p long or Satan deceived me. I was convinced that everything was going wrong. Blessed my day, but I was the opposite of what he asked for in prayer, so I stopped to pray for blessings for my day. The devil took hold of me through the fear and I fed you with more fear, until I understood and began to believe what God's word says.

2. Knowledge is power , but when it leads to two things: the first is that this knowledge will change, and the second, which you closer to God. knowledge If you have not done any of this, is knowledge that is useless. We take the direction of change, taking as a parameter Word of God and thus fight the enemy.

3. Christ is a good example of effectively using the word against the enemy. Lc.4.

  1. Recognizing that we are in Christ . Col.2 :9-12. In Christ and with Christ we have all authority over the roaring lion. Only roars, but has no fangs or claws against us. 1Jn.5: 18.
  2. ask the Holy Spirit discernment of God's work to identify and counteract enemy.
  3. Do we have to live under the slavery of our desires? No way. Sin enslaves us, but the Spirit of the Lord has the keys to set us free. View Ro.8: 2. even have confidence that we can act without feeling guilty, as long as sin is not what we do, Ro.14: 22 . The Spirit frees us from guilt, 2Co.3: 17.


  1. Christ has all the domain, and we with it, Eph.2: 6.
  2. total protection as children of God, 1Jn.5: 18.
  3. n gave you the freedom to think, to act as children of light, Col.1: 13.14.
  4. We are distinguished as children of light, 1Tls.5 5.
  5. When we stop believing in the lie of the enemy we experience liberation and comes to us indescribable joy.


1 - As children of God we have total victory over the enemy and we must not sin again. The devil has nothing in notros, therefore we can not be tricked us sin.

2 - The devil is a coward, and is weak, so we can win, Stg.4: 7.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Wattage Of An Electric Pedestal Fan

Jn.12: 26.

Purpose: Search God be glorified through our work for him.


  1. An epitaph is the inscription that was placed on a grave, most of them indicating some quality of the deceased. The book titled "Heroes without a rifle" is a memorable epitaph he wrote the scholar Jorge Eduardo Arellano Nicaraguan researcher on the lives of more than 144 characters of culture and history Nicaraguan men and women who in their time were noble sons of country.
  2. Man likes praise, but God always tell the truth about ourselves.
  3. A brother wrote a book about the History of the Church of Christ in Nicaragua . My favorite section is titled "Christians who have made history," because it highlights the work of men and women in the work of the churches in Nicaragua.
  4. For all this we ask ourselves when we are no longer in this body, what we will have left the church to keep our memories in her heart?
  5. If God gave us his opinion on how we see, what do you think you say? Consider the criterion of God on some important characters Scripture:


A- Enoch " not died because he walked with God" , He.11: 5. Obedience makes us immortal. Michelangelo Polio was one of the elders of our congregation, faithful, loving the work and hard working. The last time I saw him, went to evangelistic work. The week after that meeting, he died. I had the opportunity to preach the night of his wake. In it you can say it was a man who walked with God, and their faith in Jesus Christ was the fertilizer that germinated the gospel in the heart of his family .

B- Noah: "He did everything God commanded him," Gn.6: 22. If Noah had changed the orders of the Lord for your personal criteria, perhaps things had not gone as they came to Noah and his [1] . If we change the simple word of God for our approach, we risk falling into a deep pit. After all, this is called disobedience.

C- Abraham: the only man in the long history of the Bible is called "friend of God," Stg.2; 23. He had complete faith in his God, and that was the feature that put him in that special relationship with their creator, He.11: 6.


A- J osué : "I and my house will serve the Lord" Jos.24: 15. What good is to see whole families working for the Lord's work in the churches! In almost all legislation in the world is forbidden for the presidents of nations give jobs to his relatives in positions of their governments. This is called nepotism, and abuse. But in the church, the whole family should be given to the cause of Jesus Christ.

B- David : "man after God's own heart, Hch.13: 22. We take as an ideal person to become as desired by God, designed according to your heart.

C- Job: This is probably the most impressive of all character. Lord, what can you say about Job? That is a perfect man , upright, fearing God, and eschewed evil , Job.1: 1.

D- Barnabas " A good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith" , Hch.11: 34.

III-not only are we:

A- Himineo: shipwrecked in faith, 1Ti.1: 19.20.

B- Ananias and Sapphira, lied to the Holy Spirit Hch.5: 3.4,

C- There many false brethren among the early church as there is also among us, Gá.2: 4; Jd.3-16.

D- How terrible will leave a bad memory of us in the church. What testimony are building now in the minds of our brothers in Christ? How will we be mentioned in eternity?


A- Paul departed satisfied with having fulfilled his duty as was in the body, 2Ti.4: 7.8. This performance earned him the confidence to receive an eternal crown of the God of Justice.

B- Judgement Day, the memories of God be upon us will become beautiful words if we are faithful to him in service. hear from his lips to say: Come good and faithful servant, as thou hast been faithful in a few things, enter into the joy of thy Lord.

C- Whoever serves me, says Jesus, My Father will honor, Jn.12: 26.


1 - few years ago I met Juana Chavez. died of a painful and prolonged. After his death, I heard one of the clauses of his will. At home she had rooms for rent, about four rooms. She asked after his death, the monthly payment of one of these rooms was turned over to the church as an offering. I wonder: How can you continue living after death? Although Juana Chavez died, continued to sacrifice to the cause of Jesus Christ.

2 - When we party, what leave memories in the church of God? How can we prolong our existence in the heart of the church? Ap.14: 13.

3 - Everything we do on earth will resonate in eternity.

[1] do you think if Noah would have chosen a different timber to which the Lord said, or done a larger boat ordinate, or a smaller, where would put so many animals?

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What Are Warts On The Stomach


Purpose: Project to the conscience of the audience the suffering Christ from his birth until his death . "


1 - This is the story that transformed cultures. is the story of one being rich became poor. Fil.2 :5-7. The story of one who took the form of man to identify with the man. one that existed in eternity as the Word of God. In he said, "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth." John 1: 14.

2 - eternal glory That shone on Mount Calvary, a busy day in the city of Jerusalem, the day it happened salvation.

3 - The story would have a great ending in the death of this man, death to bless all human generations from the beginning to the end of the human race.

I- being rich became poor: BIRTH.

A- By the year 749 the Roman Empire heard a choir of angels singing, and in his song said "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward man" . Lc.2: 14.

1 - [1] The place and conditions of the birth of Salvador were unworthy of him: born in a stable and was lying in a manger, because nobody wanted to get to the mother when she was about to give birth.

2 - Born in a small village, Bethlehem. Miq.5: 2 ; Lc.2: 6.7.

3 - Lc.2: 7. The inn where he was received Christ was humble conditions unworthy of a king. [2]

4 - But it was in that place where fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 9:6,7:

" p orque us a child is born, unto us a son is given, the government shall be upon his shoulder, and will be called to dmirable , c onsejero, God f ort, Everlasting Father, ríncipe of p p az. the increase of His government and peace there will be limits on the throne of David and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding justice and righteousness from now and forever. "

B- mt.2: 1.2. L Magi from the east I came to the palace of King Herod seeking the child had been born, but that was not the right place. [3] Dude, look no further in the wrong place. Only Jesus Christ can give real meaning to his life, a right direction and a purpose to live.

C- no doubt that the mystery of our religion is great, so the prophet Isaiah is called " or No man full of pain, suffering accustomed to." DHH. Is.53 3.


A- Isaiah 53:4: " stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted ." When Isaiah write this, the prophecy made by putting in the minds of the men who killed j esus with their hatred. The men thought that the death of the Nazarene was well deserved "him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted." The world has hated, Jn.15: 18. "You're part of that world that he hated ?

B- was among them, John 1: 26, but they did not recognize him. His message was of love and reconciliation, but the men preferred the war.

C- SEEN NO ONE LAUGH, BUT OFTEN CRIES ... This is a sentence written in a third century document, which describes the suffering of the Messiah personality. Mt.23 :37-39.

D- Everything that happened in his ministry, rejection, betrayal, sacrifice was about to pass, made his last moments in a deep agony, Mt.26: 38; Lc.22: 44.

E- The movie "The Passion of the Christ", which attempts to drive to witness the death of the Lord to the very places of torture and suffering, summarizes the enormous suffering Messiah before he died. Everything that appears in the scenes, it is true, and some have come to believe that reality goes beyond fiction.

F- After despised, they killed him.

G- When the Lord was already dead, a soldier opened his side, then water and blood came out of his body. the mixture of water and blood on the lacerated side of Jesus, showing the great depression he suffered pain and our Savior. Jn.19: 34, because the mixture of water and blood, doctors tell us, means that the Lord suffered great stress before death.

H- vinegar with gall to attempt to give Jesus, was a type of pain reliever, so we can say that at least one of the guards who guarded his death he had compassion for him, but he would not take it, because he decided to feel all the pain in his body which caused him to be the one who was in itself the sins of the world. Their sacrifice and pain were complete.


A- Who were crucified?

1 - Crooks.

2 - The subversives.

3 - All kind of antisocial.

4 - were crucified even animals.

5 - Christ was the opposite of this, he only goods made men who sought his death, yet they crucified him.

6 - Now we can understand when the Apostle Paul says: "and became obedient unto death, death on a cross!" , Fil.2: 8, calling attention to death on the cross was the most humiliating of all.

B- men put him between two thieves, but God put him on the right, in the glory. God eliminated sin in the flesh in the body of Jesus: " God was in Christ, reconciling the world to "... 1Co.5: 19.

C- What is impressive about this life? NOTHING!

1 - Born in a small village.

2 - came into the world in a stable and laid him in a manger. [4]

3 - He had a pillow to lay his head.

4 - was hungry.

5 - wept for the sin of men.

6 - was put to death.


A- crucified Him in the place of a skull, a place transformed by the holy blood of Jesus from place of death instead of life and now no longer has the darkness of pain and suffering, but intense rays of salvation for humanity.

B- For this life and this death God has made Lord and Christ, and nowhere else is there salvation from eternal damnation, only in Jesus, the suffering Lamb of God. Fil.2 :9-11. Hch.2: 36, 4:12.

C- carpenter That was rejected by men who saw and heard, the Jesus that is preached and believed not in men, is the only means for salvation. Jn.14 6.

D- One day we will all have to confess, is for life or death, Fil.2 :9-11. Why not confess today to eternal salvation?


1 - What will you do with Jesus, since you have seen his star? Do you embrace or crucify him?

2 - us remember what the Scripture says :

" Look!

Christ coming in the clouds!

Everyone will come,

even those who killed him;

and everyone in the world

mourn for him.

Such cases, Amen! Ap.1: 7. BLS.

3 - The world has rejected, would you make yourself?

4 - Lower Jesus from the cross, thus making the sacrifice and suffering of Christ have real meaning for you, and get through his death, life, through her grief, health, and through their suffering, peace.

Taken from the book "The Splendor of the Gospel," Valle G. Bruno Managua, Nicaragua, 2007.

[1] points 1 to 4 are intended to emphasize the humble condition in which the Savior was born. Point 4 will help to make a rhetorical contrast to give strength to the argument about the conditions humble birth of Jesus with the greatness of his person. Try to explain each of these points in a descriptive way, trying to draw in the minds of his listeners the pictures you are describing.

[2] Try to describe the conditions for a stable, to impact more the consciousness of listeners.

[3] If one goes in search of a king, logically expect to find in a palace.

[4] mention a manger.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Clearance Pro Wrestling Kick Pads

Redeeming the time is honorable

Ephesians 5:15,16.

Purpose: To evaluate and make good use of time God has given us. "


1 - This week I started reading the book entitled "Sacrifice of Praise", by Carlos Jimenez, and the first sentence he wrote in the dedication Verne Warner was impressive to me: " There are men who can only be posthumous tributes, as throughout his life are so busy, no time for tributes."

2 - says Rick Warren "Purpose Driven Life": "The current average longevity is 25.550 days. That's how long you will live, if you're a typical person ". [1] Do not you think that there is little time to waste?

3 - How important is time for Christians? What does the Bible ? What parameters gives us the Lord about it?


A- Time is the order God has established for man to measure his life, Gn.1.

B- Time is the opposite of God's life. In time God is conjugated in all directions, past, present and future, Ap.4: 8. R ealmente to God there is no time.

C- Time is a double-edged sword: if it takes large profits. If wasted, never recover, and you can not move from mediocrity. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not arrived yet, time is wasted untapped. We can save , loss, expense, or waste it, even we can kill him. [2]


A- JEWS had a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe time, and put to good use, divided the day specifically: the calendar day was from dawn to dusk. The natural night from dusk until dawn. The calendar day was from sunset of one day until sunset the following day (ie, the Jews began when the day began at night), because the night and the morning were a day. night were also divided into watches: one was until twelve o'clock, the second of the twelve to three in the morning, and waking in the morning was three to six in the morning.

B- CHARACTERS and writers of the Old Testament defined the time as very short, :7-9 Gn.47.

C- for God time does not exist, 1P.3: 8.

D- New Testament writers used a word for eternity with regard to time, this word means century, worlds, lifetime, generation, time. eternity is in contrast to the earthly time, therefore, is a word that applies to the transcendent life of God. God is beyond time.


A- Initially, the man began to live a long life on earth: m atusalén lived 969 years, Gn.5: 27. Sin shortened the life of man, Gn.6 3. Although this last passage talks about 120 years, one of the Psalms is mentioned that human life would come only at age 70, Psalm 90:10.

B- The brevity of life is established throughout the Old Testament:

1 - Jacob complained of having lived only 130 years, Gn.47: 9.

2 - The psalmist calls the Lord saying that the lifetime is negligible, Psalm 89:47.

3 - In Psalm 90:9 it says that life is as short as a thought. In another place is said to be like a shadow, 1Cro.29: 15. Santiago flame haze Stg.4: 14.

4 - The world has witnessed 11 years September 2001 thousands of people lost their lives in seconds in the attack on the twin towers in Manhattan, New York. So "how long we have to do the great work of life? Only a moment, which is the second that divides past from future, and therefore non-existent. Life does not give us or years, or months, or days, is given in seconds . " [3]

5 - is wrong to say, "plays a more years" when in fact the person lived a year and his life is one year less. We only remains to be stingy with time.


A- The Lord Jesus said: "I must do things that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh when no man can work" . Jn.9 4.

B- Sage encourages us to work with all our strength, " Everything that comes on hand to do, do it with thy might, for in the grave where you go, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. " Ecl.9: 10. The great Frenchman, Victor Hugo, said: "This is the anvil where the future is forged"

C- us understand that for everything there is time, Ecl. 3:1, but this requires the proper administration of it.

D- presume time is folly. Prov.27: 1; Lc.12: 19; Stg.4 :13-17.

V-Redeeming the time, " How?

A- Realizing that life is short, Psalm 90:12. We use it as if we were dying.

B- Being God-fearing youth, Ecl.12: 1.

C- Living wisely Ef.5: 15.16.

D- Giving good example to the world, col.4 5.

E- Holding our work will Eternal God, because things that are seen are temporal, but what is unseen is eternal 2Cor.4: 18; Jn.6: 27.

F- Following the example of God who has used the time accurately, Mr.1: 15; Gá.4: 4; Ti.1 3.

G- Other verses, Prv.12: 27.


1 - We will be judged according to the use that we give our time , 2Cor.5: 10.

2 - Our life is short, live it with intensity. Our life is a second: "impalpable In this atom of time, it is time that this timeless eternity beats " [4]

[1] Purpose Driven Life, P.7, Rick W. Editorial Life, Miami, Florida, 2002.

[2] Felix Cortes "A place in the Summit " pág.82.

[3] Félix Cortés, "A seat at the summit," p. 83.

[4] Felix Cotes, op. Cit., Pág.84.