Saturday, November 27, 2010

Soft Rolled Leather Dog Collars

Dear brother, I pray that as you do well spiritually, do well in everything and having good health. 3 Jn.2 . DHH.

Purpose: to teach the church the key to a prosperous life in every way.


  1. 1. Everyone trying to prosper in every way, economically, physically and emotionally. However, although the Bible mentions how to achieve full prosperity, very few people who decide to take indicating the way the Holy Spirit.
  2. 2. In many religious circles has been the focus of life to achieve material wealth, but when we examine the Bible we see that God cares about all the things that we approach him and take care of our Spirit, Mt 6:33; Ecl.12: 13.


A- Es posible que Gayo no gozara de buena salud, pero su vida espiritual estaba en ascendencia.

B- Para Gayo las situaciones de la vida no eran razones poderosas para alejarlo de la comunión con Dios. Muchas personas han puesto su atención en las cosas de este mundo, considerando que su estabilidad material tiene que ser la base para su estabilidad espiritual.

C- Una caso de alguien que hizo las cosas al revés, Mr.10:17-22.

D- is clear that God wants his children to prosper. But prosperity should not be an end in itself, but the result of a quality of life of dedication, commitment and action that is in line with the Word of God.


A- This verse, the word "prosper" (Greek, euodoo) literally means "help on the fly" or "succeed in achieving." Clearly implies that divine prosperity is not a momentary or passing phenomenon but rather a continuous and progressive state of success, welfare. It applies to all areas of our lives: spiritual, physical, emotional and material. [1]

B- If we start a project, we should not be afraid of failure because the promises of God are our side, but We must remember that success is material subject to the spiritual.

C- " I wish you well in all " includes all out of life: economics, emotions, family relationships, etc.

III- ... and having good health.

A- God wants us to be sick, he is our healer, Éx.15: 26, 23:5; Is.53 4.

B- God's ultimate goal is to heal our bodies but our spirit. Even the disease may be a means to spiritual health,


A- and Obeying God word, Dt.29: 9; Jos.1: 8; 1Cro.22: 13.

B- Looking to the Lord, 2Cr.26 5.

C- For perseverance in the ways of the Lord, Sal.25: 12.13.

D- Through humility, Sal.37: 11.

E- For a life of integrity, Sal.84: 11.

F- Being generous, Prv.11: 25, Lc.6: 38.


A- Jacob made a covenant with God to be faithful, Gn.28 :20-22, and the Lord prospered, Gn.32: 9.10.

B- Al obedient God has made promises, Sal.1: 2.3.

C- God seeks to promote his , Dt.5: 29; 30:5,9.

D- Trust in the Lord brings wealth, Prv.28: 25.

E- striking example of prosperity through communion with God, Joseph, Gn.39: 3.23.

F- There are several reasons for the stagnation, disobedience, Dt.28: 29; sin Prv.28: 13; Jer.5: 25; not to have fellowship with God; Jer.10: 21; By not praying, Stg.4: 2;


1. God cares much about our spiritual life of our body, but if we mistake the emphasis that should be our life, we suffer a lot of scarcity.

2. If you believe that your life is full of limitations, make a pact with God in which he promises loyalty and attachment to his word, so that he free from any need or adverse circumstances and may well be, you and your family a prosperous life.

3. A Gayo life circumstances aorillaron not on the spiritual path. If he was sick, showed that nothing could remove him from the Lord.

[1] Bible itself: The Bible study that will help you understand to apply the fullness of the Holy Spirit in their daily lives . 2000, c1994 (electronic ed.) (3 John 2). Nashville: Editorial Caribe.


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