Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What Are Warts On The Stomach


Purpose: Project to the conscience of the audience the suffering Christ from his birth until his death . "


1 - This is the story that transformed cultures. is the story of one being rich became poor. Fil.2 :5-7. The story of one who took the form of man to identify with the man. one that existed in eternity as the Word of God. In he said, "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth." John 1: 14.

2 - eternal glory That shone on Mount Calvary, a busy day in the city of Jerusalem, the day it happened salvation.

3 - The story would have a great ending in the death of this man, death to bless all human generations from the beginning to the end of the human race.

I- being rich became poor: BIRTH.

A- By the year 749 the Roman Empire heard a choir of angels singing, and in his song said "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward man" . Lc.2: 14.

1 - [1] The place and conditions of the birth of Salvador were unworthy of him: born in a stable and was lying in a manger, because nobody wanted to get to the mother when she was about to give birth.

2 - Born in a small village, Bethlehem. Miq.5: 2 ; Lc.2: 6.7.

3 - Lc.2: 7. The inn where he was received Christ was humble conditions unworthy of a king. [2]

4 - But it was in that place where fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 9:6,7:

" p orque us a child is born, unto us a son is given, the government shall be upon his shoulder, and will be called to dmirable , c onsejero, God f ort, Everlasting Father, ríncipe of p p az. the increase of His government and peace there will be limits on the throne of David and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding justice and righteousness from now and forever. "

B- mt.2: 1.2. L Magi from the east I came to the palace of King Herod seeking the child had been born, but that was not the right place. [3] Dude, look no further in the wrong place. Only Jesus Christ can give real meaning to his life, a right direction and a purpose to live.

C- no doubt that the mystery of our religion is great, so the prophet Isaiah is called " or No man full of pain, suffering accustomed to." DHH. Is.53 3.


A- Isaiah 53:4: " stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted ." When Isaiah write this, the prophecy made by putting in the minds of the men who killed j esus with their hatred. The men thought that the death of the Nazarene was well deserved "him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted." The world has hated, Jn.15: 18. "You're part of that world that he hated ?

B- was among them, John 1: 26, but they did not recognize him. His message was of love and reconciliation, but the men preferred the war.

C- SEEN NO ONE LAUGH, BUT OFTEN CRIES ... This is a sentence written in a third century document, which describes the suffering of the Messiah personality. Mt.23 :37-39.

D- Everything that happened in his ministry, rejection, betrayal, sacrifice was about to pass, made his last moments in a deep agony, Mt.26: 38; Lc.22: 44.

E- The movie "The Passion of the Christ", which attempts to drive to witness the death of the Lord to the very places of torture and suffering, summarizes the enormous suffering Messiah before he died. Everything that appears in the scenes, it is true, and some have come to believe that reality goes beyond fiction.

F- After despised, they killed him.

G- When the Lord was already dead, a soldier opened his side, then water and blood came out of his body. the mixture of water and blood on the lacerated side of Jesus, showing the great depression he suffered pain and our Savior. Jn.19: 34, because the mixture of water and blood, doctors tell us, means that the Lord suffered great stress before death.

H- vinegar with gall to attempt to give Jesus, was a type of pain reliever, so we can say that at least one of the guards who guarded his death he had compassion for him, but he would not take it, because he decided to feel all the pain in his body which caused him to be the one who was in itself the sins of the world. Their sacrifice and pain were complete.


A- Who were crucified?

1 - Crooks.

2 - The subversives.

3 - All kind of antisocial.

4 - were crucified even animals.

5 - Christ was the opposite of this, he only goods made men who sought his death, yet they crucified him.

6 - Now we can understand when the Apostle Paul says: "and became obedient unto death, death on a cross!" , Fil.2: 8, calling attention to death on the cross was the most humiliating of all.

B- men put him between two thieves, but God put him on the right, in the glory. God eliminated sin in the flesh in the body of Jesus: " God was in Christ, reconciling the world to "... 1Co.5: 19.

C- What is impressive about this life? NOTHING!

1 - Born in a small village.

2 - came into the world in a stable and laid him in a manger. [4]

3 - He had a pillow to lay his head.

4 - was hungry.

5 - wept for the sin of men.

6 - was put to death.


A- crucified Him in the place of a skull, a place transformed by the holy blood of Jesus from place of death instead of life and now no longer has the darkness of pain and suffering, but intense rays of salvation for humanity.

B- For this life and this death God has made Lord and Christ, and nowhere else is there salvation from eternal damnation, only in Jesus, the suffering Lamb of God. Fil.2 :9-11. Hch.2: 36, 4:12.

C- carpenter That was rejected by men who saw and heard, the Jesus that is preached and believed not in men, is the only means for salvation. Jn.14 6.

D- One day we will all have to confess, is for life or death, Fil.2 :9-11. Why not confess today to eternal salvation?


1 - What will you do with Jesus, since you have seen his star? Do you embrace or crucify him?

2 - us remember what the Scripture says :

" Look!

Christ coming in the clouds!

Everyone will come,

even those who killed him;

and everyone in the world

mourn for him.

Such cases, Amen! Ap.1: 7. BLS.

3 - The world has rejected, would you make yourself?

4 - Lower Jesus from the cross, thus making the sacrifice and suffering of Christ have real meaning for you, and get through his death, life, through her grief, health, and through their suffering, peace.

Taken from the book "The Splendor of the Gospel," Valle G. Bruno Managua, Nicaragua, 2007.

[1] points 1 to 4 are intended to emphasize the humble condition in which the Savior was born. Point 4 will help to make a rhetorical contrast to give strength to the argument about the conditions humble birth of Jesus with the greatness of his person. Try to explain each of these points in a descriptive way, trying to draw in the minds of his listeners the pictures you are describing.

[2] Try to describe the conditions for a stable, to impact more the consciousness of listeners.

[3] If one goes in search of a king, logically expect to find in a palace.

[4] mention a manger.


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