Monday, May 7, 2007

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Redeeming the time is honorable

Ephesians 5:15,16.

Purpose: To evaluate and make good use of time God has given us. "


1 - This week I started reading the book entitled "Sacrifice of Praise", by Carlos Jimenez, and the first sentence he wrote in the dedication Verne Warner was impressive to me: " There are men who can only be posthumous tributes, as throughout his life are so busy, no time for tributes."

2 - says Rick Warren "Purpose Driven Life": "The current average longevity is 25.550 days. That's how long you will live, if you're a typical person ". [1] Do not you think that there is little time to waste?

3 - How important is time for Christians? What does the Bible ? What parameters gives us the Lord about it?


A- Time is the order God has established for man to measure his life, Gn.1.

B- Time is the opposite of God's life. In time God is conjugated in all directions, past, present and future, Ap.4: 8. R ealmente to God there is no time.

C- Time is a double-edged sword: if it takes large profits. If wasted, never recover, and you can not move from mediocrity. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not arrived yet, time is wasted untapped. We can save , loss, expense, or waste it, even we can kill him. [2]


A- JEWS had a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe time, and put to good use, divided the day specifically: the calendar day was from dawn to dusk. The natural night from dusk until dawn. The calendar day was from sunset of one day until sunset the following day (ie, the Jews began when the day began at night), because the night and the morning were a day. night were also divided into watches: one was until twelve o'clock, the second of the twelve to three in the morning, and waking in the morning was three to six in the morning.

B- CHARACTERS and writers of the Old Testament defined the time as very short, :7-9 Gn.47.

C- for God time does not exist, 1P.3: 8.

D- New Testament writers used a word for eternity with regard to time, this word means century, worlds, lifetime, generation, time. eternity is in contrast to the earthly time, therefore, is a word that applies to the transcendent life of God. God is beyond time.


A- Initially, the man began to live a long life on earth: m atusalén lived 969 years, Gn.5: 27. Sin shortened the life of man, Gn.6 3. Although this last passage talks about 120 years, one of the Psalms is mentioned that human life would come only at age 70, Psalm 90:10.

B- The brevity of life is established throughout the Old Testament:

1 - Jacob complained of having lived only 130 years, Gn.47: 9.

2 - The psalmist calls the Lord saying that the lifetime is negligible, Psalm 89:47.

3 - In Psalm 90:9 it says that life is as short as a thought. In another place is said to be like a shadow, 1Cro.29: 15. Santiago flame haze Stg.4: 14.

4 - The world has witnessed 11 years September 2001 thousands of people lost their lives in seconds in the attack on the twin towers in Manhattan, New York. So "how long we have to do the great work of life? Only a moment, which is the second that divides past from future, and therefore non-existent. Life does not give us or years, or months, or days, is given in seconds . " [3]

5 - is wrong to say, "plays a more years" when in fact the person lived a year and his life is one year less. We only remains to be stingy with time.


A- The Lord Jesus said: "I must do things that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh when no man can work" . Jn.9 4.

B- Sage encourages us to work with all our strength, " Everything that comes on hand to do, do it with thy might, for in the grave where you go, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. " Ecl.9: 10. The great Frenchman, Victor Hugo, said: "This is the anvil where the future is forged"

C- us understand that for everything there is time, Ecl. 3:1, but this requires the proper administration of it.

D- presume time is folly. Prov.27: 1; Lc.12: 19; Stg.4 :13-17.

V-Redeeming the time, " How?

A- Realizing that life is short, Psalm 90:12. We use it as if we were dying.

B- Being God-fearing youth, Ecl.12: 1.

C- Living wisely Ef.5: 15.16.

D- Giving good example to the world, col.4 5.

E- Holding our work will Eternal God, because things that are seen are temporal, but what is unseen is eternal 2Cor.4: 18; Jn.6: 27.

F- Following the example of God who has used the time accurately, Mr.1: 15; Gá.4: 4; Ti.1 3.

G- Other verses, Prv.12: 27.


1 - We will be judged according to the use that we give our time , 2Cor.5: 10.

2 - Our life is short, live it with intensity. Our life is a second: "impalpable In this atom of time, it is time that this timeless eternity beats " [4]

[1] Purpose Driven Life, P.7, Rick W. Editorial Life, Miami, Florida, 2002.

[2] Felix Cortes "A place in the Summit " pág.82.

[3] Félix Cortés, "A seat at the summit," p. 83.

[4] Felix Cotes, op. Cit., Pág.84.


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