Sunday, December 26, 2010

Additive To Make Grout Flexible

"Urbi et Orbi ": Pope Benedict XVI calls for victims of Latin America and persecuted Christians

"Let not forget those in Colombia and Venezuela, as well as in Guatemala and Costa Rica have been affected by recent natural disasters"
Pope Benedict XVI prayed for the victims of natural disasters that hit several countries in Latin America, on Saturday in his traditional Christmas message. In his message, delivered from the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome and in front of thousands of faithful, the Pope also called for policy makers around the world show "active solidarity" with the "dear Christian communities Iraq and throughout the Middle East. "

In his homily, which precedes the blessing "Urbi et Orbi" (to the city and the world) and which usually refers to various world conflicts, Benedict XVI wanted to "calm and hope for the future "Christians who support" pain "and" difficulties "and stressed the importance of ensuring respect for freedom of religion.

"May the love of God give us perseverance to all Christian communities suffering discrimination and persecution, and inspire political and religious leaders to commit themselves to full respect for the religious freedom of everyone," said . The situation of Christians in Iraq particular concern to the Pope, as thousands of faithful have fled the country since the attack, claimed by Al Qaeda, against a Catholic Syriac church in Baghdad on October 31 that killed 44 worshipers and two priests.

currently live in Iraq half a million Christians, compared to between 800,000 and 1.2 million it had in 2003.

The pope also called on Israelis and Palestinians can live in "just and peaceful coexistence."

"May the light of Christmas shine again in the land where Jesus was born and inspire Israelis and Palestinians to seek a just and peaceful coexistence" said.

Negotiations between the two sides are locked after the recent failure of U.S. to Israel's attempt to obtain a halt to Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank.

The pope also devoted part of his message, broadcast on television networks around the world, to seek help for victims of various natural disasters that have plagued many Latin American countries this year from the January earthquake in Haiti and the recent outbreak of cholera to the recent floods in Colombia and Venezuela.

"Let's also not forget that in Colombia and in Venezuela, as well as in Guatemala and Costa Rica have been affected by recent natural disasters, "he said.

Floods and landslides caused by heavy rains have left at least 120,000 homeless in Venezuela and about 1, 9 million in Colombia .

The head of the Catholic Church which called for "open prospects for lasting peace and genuine progress" in Somalia, Sudan and Ivory Coast, a country where two presidents proclaimed, Laurent Gbagbo and Alassane Ouattara , are vying for power as well as security and respect for human rights "in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and" reconciliation the Korean peninsula. "

also called for" dialogue between Nicaragua and Costa Rica ", locked in a territorial dispute.
On the other hand, the Pope called" the celebration of the birth of the Redeemer promotes a spirit of faith, patience and fortitude in the faithful of the Church in mainland China, so do not be discouraged by the limitations on their freedom of religion and conscience. "AFP

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Beauty Ireland


Romans 8:28.

" know that God works all things for good for those who love God, whom he has called according to His purpose." DHH .

1. know we all go through daily challenges of various sorts. In this room there is a soul who does not have some condition. The trials are realities that we can not ignore.

2. What attitude we had against the trials? Have we complained about them or see them as the Bible the present: as blessings?

3. Paul wrote to the Philippians: I am convinced of this: he who began a good work in you will carry to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Fil.1 6. NVI. God is doing a work in you and wants to improve. How long will the training? Until Jesus comes or we go with him. He wants to bless you through this problem or pain you have.


A-obfuscated and often we do not know what to do with the problems we have. Constantly go through the same situations and we're tired. We fail to understand why things happen to us happen to us. However, God says there is no fortuitous situations, it all makes sense according to the plan of God to make us grow.

B-"know" ... If we suffer for our troubles is because we have forgotten "what we know." If we suffer for our troubles is because we see them suffering and not blessings.

C-In the semantics of God, the pain does not make sense of suffering, but for growth: God all things for the good of those who love him ... Even if you do not understand it, what wrong with you now, is good.

D-Those who have been called according to His purpose : word order, in the language of the New Testament, means plan, an implementation: plan, purpose, determination [1] this means that God has determined to do something in your life, and is determined to make it happen. To achieve this, God allows trials in your life. So everything about you is part of God's plan. Understanding this aspect of Christian life can bless the believer so help you to live confident and happy.


A "So anything that happens is you chance. Think of the trouble you have now, and wondered, how bad can it be good to me now? (List members with some problems).

B-God wants to bless your spiritual life through pain:

1 - Many Christians are asking: Why do these things happen to me? God does not want are sick, but because you are in, take advantage of that disease, come closer to God, testifies that God can and wants to heal you. One of our sisters is admitted to the hospital when I came to visit, I found her in good spirits and told me he was sharing the word with other sick room.

2 - 2 - If you're unemployed, want to glorify God in that circumstance . Many people fall into what is called self-pity. To be unemployed, they think no one helps them, their family members should help and not do, that the church should help them and do not, that government should help and it does not, in short, all complain because according to them , no one sees your pain. God does not want you to feel self-pity, God wants you to learn to trust it and throw to walk your creativity to move forward with dignity and without feeling sorry for yourself or feel a victim of others.

3 - If you have a debt, and now you have as settlement , God does not want you to pay, you ask, humiliate you, he wants to learn to trust him, you put to work the little faith you have. It must wait until the last minute. One of these days I saw a sister whom I met long ago. We once had an experience with it. The bank was about to seize what little he had in his leg, and went to the brothers for help. Another brother and I took on the task of seeking help for this woman. We visited several Christians and tell them about the problem of his sister. Most of them gave us money with great joy to help her sister. At the end of that day picked up a lot of money to meet some quota sister had to give to the bank. When we give money, encourage, and personally told him that God was with her, but it was necessary to stop lending in banks and trust God's provision. I remember the few items he had in his store, he managed to get ahead and paid his debt. For us it was a miracle how God had lifted the woman with so little he had in his shop. But it was very sad to know that after the bank the same story was repeated. Where was this woman told me that was fine, but had again been tempted to give in the bank. The end of the story is that the woman ended up losing everything, and now is starting again. The lack of trust in God makes us fall into trouble, and sometimes, like the case mentioned, we lose everything. Your debt is intended to teach you to trust God. Do not despair.

4 - Someone offended and do not know why . God does not want you begin to hate and justify your grudge against that person. He wants you to begin to pray for her and learn to forgive.

5 - you mad at your partner through the same thing yesterday and so away back . Thousand times you were angry at himself, thinking you're right. Blind, your anger and your reasons is what makes you live an unhappy life in marriage. You have repeated a thousand times the same anger and never assimilated the lesson that God wants to give. The Lord wants to make your wedding something exemplary and good witness to others, but you insist to be right and fought to come to church with your spouse.

6 - You complain because you have nothing this end of the year to put , and do not see that resource scarcity is a God to open your eyes and let you see that there are millions of reasons why you should give thanks to God. While you are sitting listening to these words, thousands of people are in a hospital bed enduring pain, millions are deprived of all prison privileges you enjoy as others are going through hardships, such as people who are in the areas natural disasters, who have lost their homes and property. At this time many people are in the cemeteries buried a loved one, but you're here in the church, and did not speak to that person close. You come to church and complain of shortages that have, but you have become blind to the many blessings you can count on and which could thank.

C-Usually we only have eyes to the dark side of things, but God says, quiet, I'm working on you. Although we are full of pain, that has a positive side, you can glorify God in your pain.


A "Suffering brings glory of God and your life. Of God because he can play his purpose in you by suffering. You because you can grow in spiritual life.

B-Jesus was called to aid Lazarus was sick, Jn.11 :3-6. But though the Lord knew that the disease was terminal, he does not get called to heal his sick friend. There is one important reason: to glorify God, v.4. For Jesus it was important not to avoid the pain of the relatives of Lazarus. For him what was in the middle was the glory of God. That was the greatest public miracle, according to some scholars, that Jesus performed. To do so, it was necessary that Lazarus died, otherwise God would not have been glorified. " aware that God is not busy to make us happy, but to fulfill its purposes. " [2]

C-in our values, our well-being should not come at the start. I usually do not want to suffer, we wanted to avoid suffering, disease, scarcity, the pain of a situation. But when we want to avoid suffering, we get to cuddle us first, and we close our eyes to what brings pain once passed. Is to glorify God by your suffering, and you want to avoid suffering. God allows you to pass along a very narrow, so that when the end, leave your faith strengthened and gigantic. God is the artist who is shaping your character through the test.

D-How is God glorified through pain?

  1. recognizes that God wants to use all your situations to make a good, no matter what kind of experiences are.
  2. Be patient until the end of the test, God is doing a work of art in your life, but you have to wait until the end.
  3. Thank God, because even if you do not understand what you go through, he loves you and demonstrates testing you. View
  4. the end of the road: If you are a person full of joy because through the tunnel, without complaint, and now you're better Christians, more mature, more confident, and I could see it was worth it because now you are suffering better.


A-"Why have you experienced the same thing over and over again? Because you have not learned the lesson. If a child fails a test, this does not indicate that it has failed, but did their best to study, and now the challenge is to really study. While the child does not pass your exam, you can not to the next level of study. Such is the spiritual life, but we passed the test, this will be repeated as often as necessary to make us grow.

B-Any affliction that is not overcome with success is destined to be repeated constantly. Therefore, we learn the lessons that brings the pain.

C-Gonzalo Baez Camargo, Mexican humanist, wrote the following poem, which he describes clearly what God is doing in our lives:

The Artist:

When the chisel struck


granite block a deep cry, threw

like raw

of that rock the game involves

Piedad Lord! What rage, what rage cruel and crazy

encourages you against me? Why you hurt me?

In the lap of my mother I was rock

happy in my life quiet and forgotten ...

happy unconsciousness of my nothingness

and nothing to get happy in my unconscious! More

today, your iron spark ignition

How insane rage starts pieces of my chest hurt!

away! Let me! Thine hand!

a hit! And another blow!

another one! Other! And more! And another yet!

The artist said nothing and continued

Although he was the very heart broken

For the pain of the stone that cried.

And so, under the blows of the chisel cutting,

beaten by the deck, was open that block

like quivering flesh ...

Each blow, a shining spark,

each blow, a scream ...

a scream and a form that emerged from the block of granite! Martyred

gestation, torment,

made fertile by the miraculous hand

praying with vigorous incision or slightly touching,

was brought from the amorphous mass,

under His designs inspired

here, a smooth contour, an edge there ...

Pain! Chisel operator in the hands of the artist!

And so the block that came

a way that encouraged life in

The stone chest

Press, live, hot, softened,

Finally a heart ...

stone in the eyes of a hot tear shone ...

stone on the lips of grateful, reverent, humble,

voice trembled at last!

"Forgive, Divine Artist of love and pain.

Forgive me, Lord! I did not know!

The artist said nothing and smiled ...


  1. When you down an ordeal and that seems endless, remember: God is working and has a purpose. THAT MEETS PROPÓSTIO.
  2. When the uncertainty that causes doubt overwhelm you, and do not know why you spend one or other penalty, remember, know only one thing: know that God works all things together for good to those who love ...
  3. Although things are difficult, God guarantees success at the end.
  4. Neustr God is working in life, and the final results we will see in the sky, when we are with Christ. We shall see in the image of Christ and finally realize that all the suffering undergone in this world was worth it.

[1] Swanson, J. (1997). Dictionary b ıblicos language: Greek (New Testament) (electronic edition.) (GGK4606). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

[2] Bible daily living. 2000, c1996 (electronic ed.) (Ro 8.28). Nashville: Editorial Caribe.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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Pope Benedict XVI calls for halt to attacks against Catholics, the most persecuted now

Pope Benedict XVI has denounced" pain "that Christians are now the religious group that suffers the greatest number of persecution because of their faith, and demanded freedom in this matter, stating that "deny or obscure" means creating an unjust society.

As stated the Pope in his message for World Day of Peace, to be held on January 1, 2011, whose motto is " Religious freedom, the way to peace " presented by Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
In the message, Pope Ratzinger also expressed his hope that in the West, especially in Europe, "cease the hostility and prejudice" against Christians "by simply trying to orient his life in line with Gospel. "

"Let Europe know reconcile with their Christian roots, which are fundamental to understanding the role played by, you have that you have on history. This experience will know justice, harmony and peace and cultivate a sincere dialogue with all peoples, "he said.
Benedict notes that 2010 has been marked "unfortunately" for persecution, discrimination and horrific acts of violence and religious intolerance, especially in Iraq, where last October 31 in an attack on Syrian-Catholic Cathedral of Baghdad two priests were killed and more than fifty faithful. After

review the situation of Christians in Middle East, Africa and Asia especially Pope added that "it can be seen with pain" that the followers of Christ are "currently the religious group that suffers the greatest number of chases because of their faith. "

"Many suffer daily insults and often living in fear of his search for truth, his faith in Jesus Christ and his earnest appeal for recognition of religious freedom," added the Pope, who stressed that "can not accept that persecution, as it is an offense against God and human dignity. "

Bishop of Rome called for a world in which everyone can freely express their religion or faith.

The document stresses the right 'sacred' to life and spiritual life and states that religious freedom and mutual respect are 'inseparable'. Again

makes a defense of the family based on marriage between a man and a woman and says it is the first school for training and social growth, cultural, moral and spiritual development of children and parents should be free transmit power without constraint and responsibility, their own faith.

Benedict XVI stressed the message that when religious freedom is denied, when trying to prevent the occupation of one's religion or faith and live by it offends human dignity, while threat to justice and peace.

also stresses that there should be no barriers to joining a religion, adding that religious freedom is not the prerogative of believers, but for the whole family of peoples of the earth.
The Pope returned to attack the instrumentalization of religious freedom to mask hidden agendas, such as the subversion of established order, the accumulation of resources or the retention of power by one group.

"fanaticism, fundamentalism, practices contrary to human dignity can never be justified, much less if made in the name of religion. The profession of a religion can not instrumentalize or impose by force, "he said.

In his line, said an increasingly globalized society, Christians are called to give their input and stated that exclude religion from the public life, deprives it of a living space that opens to transcendence.

Elsewhere in the message, the Pope said that fundamentalism and hostility against believers undertake positive secularism and emphasized that States can not forget religious fundamentalism and secularism are ways to "extreme" legitimate rejection of pluralism and principle of secularism.

The papal message, as is traditional, will be sent by the Vatican to the Governments of all States that maintain diplomatic relations with the Holy See.

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Ambassador of Colombia to the Holy See officially launched in Bogotá" Contest Meet Pope on World Youth Day "

Yesterday, around 4:00 pm, took place at the Bolivar Hall, at the headquarters of the Colombian Foreign Ministry, The official presentation of the "Contest Meet the Pope's World Youth Day, which promotes the Embassy of Colombia to the Holy See, and has the support of Revel Foundation Colombia-institution that encourages youth leadership, and the Organization of World Youth Day (WYD) Madrid 2011.

The presentation was made by the Ambassador of Colombia to the Holy See, Cesar Mauricio Velasquez, who since last December 6 in the country is promoting the initiative, "the Director of the Foundation Revel in Colombia, Carlos Salazar , and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, Ambassador Miguel Camilo Ruiz.

Velazquez, who said the most important aspects of the Day, said the bill was written after someone told him "It's great that the youth of Colombia participate ", but to participate with merit and" soak and participate "in what the Pope says, he said. Reason, which created a competition which aims to reward young people who, through their creativity, develop videos and articles -that are "new ways of knowing what the Pope says," as he said the Colombian Ambassador, which displayed the essence of the Encyclical "Caritas in veritate", Benedict XVI.

For his part, Ambassador Ruiz, who emphasized the Ministry of Foreign Affairs promote this type of event, said the contest is an opportunity for young Colombians representing the other nation's youth with a message of faith and hope.

Contest rules
Prizes will be awarded to 18 youth divided into two types -9 in the form of essay or article, and 9-Filminutos or video clip, which in turn are divided into three age categories : freshmen, 14 to 17 years, young standard of 18 to 23 years, and young scholars from 24 to 30 years.

As explained in the official contest site, article or essay should be self-produced emphasis on one or more of the paragraphs that arise in the encyclical the Holy Father. The three best essays in each category will be those who will be awarded.

The mode of "Filminutos", meanwhile, is a video of one minute up to be delivered on DVD with a creative message that stands at least one of the messages of "Caritas in veritate". The video can be delivered in audiovisual format of choice, either spot, propaganda, drama, news, etc.. In this mode also be awarding the top 3 "Filminutos" in each of the categories.

The call for the contest was officially opened on 8 December and will continue through May 13, 2011. More information about the contest can be found at the site Gaudium
Press / Sonia Trujillo

Monday, December 13, 2010

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Ambassador to the Holy See visited the During his visit, the Ambassador toured the disaster zone and announced the connection of Caritas International in care for those affected by the winter in the department and in the country.

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Gabriela Pope urges aid for victims of winter

Journal, Sunday 12 December 2010

visited this Sunday morning the area where a landslide destroyed 35 homes last week in Bello Antioquia, and said that Pope Benedict XVI urges aid for hurricane victims Winter in Colombia.

Velasquez said he was "impressed" by the magnitude of the tragedy, and also by the organization and determination of rescue organizations in their work, which he described as "exemplary." In the morning relief agencies completed 62 bodies recovered from the mud. 70 percent of the land that fell and was removed and the rescue efforts continue in the area.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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Ambassador of Colombia to the Vatican Pope appreciates support of humanitarian network to activate pro

The Ambassador of Colombia to the Holy See Cesar Mauricio Velasquez said that the activation of the international Caritas network is fundamental because it is effective and material aid for the victims of winter in Colombia.

The diplomat said the aid was channeled through the various parishes. He said that charity and generosity of all Catholics, men of good will around the world are making donations and media that already has the Caritas International network.

Velasquez called on all people of good will in Colombia and abroad to help in every way possible and assist those who suffered hyan all this winter, especially with survivors in Antioquia Bello in recent days we have suffered a tragedy of great magnitude.
Velasquez said have been doing some ongoing reports to the Secretariat of State of the Holy See on the development of the tragedy, the number of victims, injured and affected.
noted that "Pope Benedict XVI is aware of the whole situation that exists in Colombia and in particular the report of the tragedy that occurred in Antioquia. The pope is praying constantly for all the people who have suffered the impact on the rains. " The announcement was made in his tour Colombia's ambassador to the Holy See Cesar Mauricio Velasquez, who made a ivitación to Medellin residents to attend this Friday December 3 at 3 pm at San Fernando Plaza to a colloquium on the Pope's latest encyclical, "Caritas in Veritate" and is based on 3 aspects: truth, love and prosperity.

added that will analyze and study the latest tendecias mundieales around the identity of human beings in a productive society will also be discussed l Profile of Man and Christian idntidad within a society that needs more love and more love.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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victims of Colombia Pope Benedict XVI reactive international Caritas network to collect humanitarian aid for those affected by the rainy season in Colombia. My agenda in Colombia

The announcement was made by Colombia's ambassador to the Holy See César Mauricio Velásquez, after a conversation that developed Monday in the House of Antioquia, Bogotá, said His Holiness sent a message of solidarity to all those affected by the rains.

Velásquez said that this decision was due to a request made by the embassy in recent days that support is timely, and effective collaboration material mainly to families affected by the tragedy of winter in the country and especially those affected in Bello Antioquia, this aid was channeled through the parishes throughout the world to which dumps to help Colombia

The diplomat made Colombia tour promoting a contest for young Colombians 18 have the opportunity to attend and participate in World Youth Day (CMJ) to be held in the month of August next Madrd 2011 in Spain, the contest rules are in Tuesday December 7 Mr. Ambassador will give a conference for university students and different organizations will gather at the Hotel Dann Carton north of Bogota.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

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share events in Bogotá and Medellín. Cordially invited. Monday December 6 at 6pm conference in the House of Antioquia. Tuesday 7 at 4pm at the Foundation Symposium Revel. Thursday 9 to 4pm Revel Foundation. Friday Medellín Symposium in San Fernando Plaza 3pm. Monday 13 to 3y30pm the Foreign Ministry, Bogotá. Competition in the launch event the best will win tickets to the World Youth Day in August 2011 Madrid SPAIN.

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Taiwan makes donation for the victims in Colombia

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The donation will be made through "Cor Unum", the Pontifical Council for the Holy See that responsible for receiving donations for daminificados. The money will be deposited in the accounts of Humanitarian Colombia.

Rome, December 3, 2010.
is 10 thousand euros, 25 million Colombian pesos, which were announced by the Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the Holy See, Larry Wang Yu-yuan, in a letter sent today to Ambassador César Mauricio Velásquez.

The communication, Ambassador Wang said: "I am deeply estristecido by the tragedy caused by heavy rains in Colombia. I want to share my feelings of solidarity to the daminificados and generally all people who suffer from this natural disaster. I have the pleasure to inform Your Excellency that my Embassy extends helping hands to the suffering of those affected by contributing the sum of 10 thousand euros "
The Pontifical Council" Cor Unum "is the Vatican office in charge of channeling aid to victims of natural disasters, conflicts, poverty and hunger also makes manifest the spiritual and paternal closeness of the Universal Church to the people of developing countries by encouraging their overall progress and helping to fund projects for children, women, elderly, disabled and needy.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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Gaudium Press publishes article about the competition.

I share the article published on the contest Gaudium Press.

Ambassador of Colombia to the Holy See will promote competition for young Colombian attend the World Youth Day
Posted 2010/11/30 Author: Gaudium

Press Section: America

Embajador Colombiano con el Santo Padre.jpg
Bogotá (Tuesday , 11.30.2010, Gaudium Press) In the interest of encouraging young Colombians to participate in World Youth Day (WYD), which occur in Madrid in August next year, Ambassador of Colombia to the Holy See, Cesar Mauricio Velasquez, promote competition, "Meeting with the Pope at World Youth Madrid 2011 ", in which 18 young people will be rewarded with airline tickets.
The initiative will be presented by the same Colombian Ambassador in a central event on 10 December, which will take place at the Palacio de San Carlos-based Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, in Bogota, which have the presence of Colombian Foreign Minister, Maria Angela Holguin, journalists and university representatives. In the event, Velázquez will announce the contest and will speak on the importance, for the Church, WYD.
About the contest in a statement published in "From Rome," Colombian Ambassador's personal blog-Velázquez said: "It is known, study and disseminate the fundamental teachings of the Pope against the youth. I know that thousands of young people in Colombia will want to participate in the contest the illusion of knowing the Holy Father. "
The contest, which has the support of the Organizing Committee of the World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid and the Fundación Revel in Colombia, an institution promoting youth initiatives, "convened a youth between 14 and 30 in the forms of video and testing. These arrangements, which will be based on the Encyclical Letter "Caritas in veritate "Benedict XVI" integral human development in charity and truth, and was given known by the Pope in June 2009 - will be divided into three categories: young beginners, from 14 to 17; young standard, 18 to 23, and young experts, bringing together young people between 24 and 30. The jury, already selected, consists of the Metro Group President for Latin America Francisco Solé, the director of the Foundation Revel in Colombia, Carlos Salazar, a Colombian journalist María Inés Zabarain, and the Colombian Ambassador. In this regard, Velasquez, told The Tiempo, Colombian newspaper: "We would not be only 18. If we can reward you over, we will, but I wish it was all a charter with 320 young people." To date more than 1,400 Colombian youths participating in the WYD in Madrid.

conferences in Bogota and Medellin "Caritas in veritate"

addition to Bogotá, the contest will also be presented in Medellin. In both cities, and through various academic meetings, the Colombian representative to the Vatican will talk about the social content of the Encyclical "Caritas in veritate" and terrorism and peace in Colombia.

Gaudium Press / Sonia Trujillo


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Saturday, November 27, 2010

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Put all your attention on the sky. GOD LOVES YOU THRIVE

"So put all their attention on the kingdom of heaven and

in doing what is right before God , and all these things will . " Mt.6: 33 DHH

Purpose: To learn to put all our trust in God that he will supply all our needs .


1. anxiety from time immemorial has been part of humanity. What is anxiety? State of agitation, restlessness or anxiety of mind.

2. Jesus says that this state is characteristic of the Gentiles, Mt.6: 32, ie, people who know nothing of God or know him.

3. The Lord has provided for all children a way how to be free from stress and anxiety: put him as our highest priority.


A. The focus of our attention must be God and his kingdom. The mandate of the King, the will of God for every subject in the kingdom, is to seek the kingdom. This search should be continued , as the imperative verb of this verse is present tense, indicating repeated or continuous action. Should be a search jealous because the Greek verb meaning "to desire with a passion, pursue it with zeal, to seek the heart, or look with eagerness. The search must be concentrated in the kingdom of God. In contrast, the Gentiles were concentrating their search in the things of this life.

1. Putting all attention is translated from a word indicating Find, try, try, try, want, ask, ask, demand, expect, deliberate, consider, investigate, examine . [1] Each of these verbs infinitive contains the idea of \u200b\u200bhuman effort concentrated in one direction. In this case, the address is the throne of God and their businesses.

2. If we feel anxious about something, it must be for the Lord and his kingdom.

3. Notice what Paul says in Col.3: 1: " Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, seek the things of heaven, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. "

B. anxious life Keep your mind away from what really matters: God. When we focus on the things of this world, we become vulnerable and weak in faith. That in which we invest our strength is what weakens us. The same is true of our thoughts and attention of our consciousness: if we set our minds on things that concern us, they weaken us, and may deviate from the path of the Lord. Each of the persons have left the communion with Christ and the church is because they have not been able to focus their thoughts and their strength in God.

C. God wants us to think of anything else, just him and his kingdom. He and his kingdom should be our top priority.


A. RV60 The biblical version translate with fewer words and says "and justice." The word justice here means living in obedience to the word and commandments of the Lord.

B. " Dikaiosune (justice) is in the sayings of the Lord Jesus Let each one of the things that are involved in doing what's right before God.

1 - Of all that is right or just by itself, everything that conforms to the revealed will of God (Mt 5.6 , 10 , 20 )

2 - From all that has been designated by God to be recognized and obeyed by man (Mt 3.15; 21.32);

3 - De all the demands of God (Mt 6.33);

4 - of religious duties ( 6.1 Mt ), distinguished as giving alms, the duty of man to his neighbor (vv. 2-4 ), prayer, their duty to God (vv. 5-15 ), fasting, self-control duty (Vv. 16-18 ) and other ideas.


A. There is a reward for those who put our hearts in the Lord.

B. According to the Word of God to his servants, there is no economic crisis, but crisis of faith. God has promised to supply all our needs, but it has been necessary to believe in the Lord's provision.

C. If you have needs, based on this passage, is that your priorities are wrong.

D. God has provided for us an inexhaustible source of resources for daily life. We shall not need, borrow, humble, if we have a Lord who can worry about us. When we deal with things of the Lord, takes charge of our needs.

E. Sibling, do not continue on needs. Seek the Lord with all your heart. Love him so that he will supply everything you need.


1 - The number one task in the life of the believer is to seek God and do His will.

2 - If we deal with things of the Lord, he will take care of us. Concerned with the kingdom God, he will take care of us.

[1] Tuggy, AE (2003). Lexico Greek New Testament English (408). El Paso, TX: Editorial Mundo Hispano.

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Dear brother, I pray that as you do well spiritually, do well in everything and having good health. 3 Jn.2 . DHH.

Purpose: to teach the church the key to a prosperous life in every way.


  1. 1. Everyone trying to prosper in every way, economically, physically and emotionally. However, although the Bible mentions how to achieve full prosperity, very few people who decide to take indicating the way the Holy Spirit.
  2. 2. In many religious circles has been the focus of life to achieve material wealth, but when we examine the Bible we see that God cares about all the things that we approach him and take care of our Spirit, Mt 6:33; Ecl.12: 13.


A- Es posible que Gayo no gozara de buena salud, pero su vida espiritual estaba en ascendencia.

B- Para Gayo las situaciones de la vida no eran razones poderosas para alejarlo de la comunión con Dios. Muchas personas han puesto su atención en las cosas de este mundo, considerando que su estabilidad material tiene que ser la base para su estabilidad espiritual.

C- Una caso de alguien que hizo las cosas al revés, Mr.10:17-22.

D- is clear that God wants his children to prosper. But prosperity should not be an end in itself, but the result of a quality of life of dedication, commitment and action that is in line with the Word of God.


A- This verse, the word "prosper" (Greek, euodoo) literally means "help on the fly" or "succeed in achieving." Clearly implies that divine prosperity is not a momentary or passing phenomenon but rather a continuous and progressive state of success, welfare. It applies to all areas of our lives: spiritual, physical, emotional and material. [1]

B- If we start a project, we should not be afraid of failure because the promises of God are our side, but We must remember that success is material subject to the spiritual.

C- " I wish you well in all " includes all out of life: economics, emotions, family relationships, etc.

III- ... and having good health.

A- God wants us to be sick, he is our healer, Éx.15: 26, 23:5; Is.53 4.

B- God's ultimate goal is to heal our bodies but our spirit. Even the disease may be a means to spiritual health,


A- and Obeying God word, Dt.29: 9; Jos.1: 8; 1Cro.22: 13.

B- Looking to the Lord, 2Cr.26 5.

C- For perseverance in the ways of the Lord, Sal.25: 12.13.

D- Through humility, Sal.37: 11.

E- For a life of integrity, Sal.84: 11.

F- Being generous, Prv.11: 25, Lc.6: 38.


A- Jacob made a covenant with God to be faithful, Gn.28 :20-22, and the Lord prospered, Gn.32: 9.10.

B- Al obedient God has made promises, Sal.1: 2.3.

C- God seeks to promote his , Dt.5: 29; 30:5,9.

D- Trust in the Lord brings wealth, Prv.28: 25.

E- striking example of prosperity through communion with God, Joseph, Gn.39: 3.23.

F- There are several reasons for the stagnation, disobedience, Dt.28: 29; sin Prv.28: 13; Jer.5: 25; not to have fellowship with God; Jer.10: 21; By not praying, Stg.4: 2;


1. God cares much about our spiritual life of our body, but if we mistake the emphasis that should be our life, we suffer a lot of scarcity.

2. If you believe that your life is full of limitations, make a pact with God in which he promises loyalty and attachment to his word, so that he free from any need or adverse circumstances and may well be, you and your family a prosperous life.

3. A Gayo life circumstances aorillaron not on the spiritual path. If he was sick, showed that nothing could remove him from the Lord.

[1] Bible itself: The Bible study that will help you understand to apply the fullness of the Holy Spirit in their daily lives . 2000, c1994 (electronic ed.) (3 John 2). Nashville: Editorial Caribe.