"So put all their attention on the kingdom of heaven and
in doing what is right before God , and all these things will . " Mt.6: 33 DHH
Purpose: To learn to put all our trust in God that he will supply all our needs .
1. anxiety from time immemorial has been part of humanity. What is anxiety? State of agitation, restlessness or anxiety of mind.
2. Jesus says that this state is characteristic of the Gentiles, Mt.6: 32, ie, people who know nothing of God or know him.
3. The Lord has provided for all children a way how to be free from stress and anxiety: put him as our highest priority.
A. The focus of our attention must be God and his kingdom. The mandate of the King, the will of God for every subject in the kingdom, is to seek the kingdom. This search should be continued , as the imperative verb of this verse is present tense, indicating repeated or continuous action. Should be a search jealous because the Greek verb meaning "to desire with a passion, pursue it with zeal, to seek the heart, or look with eagerness. The search must be concentrated in the kingdom of God. In contrast, the Gentiles were concentrating their search in the things of this life.
1. Putting all attention is translated from a word indicating Find, try, try, try, want, ask, ask, demand, expect, deliberate, consider, investigate, examine . [1] Each of these verbs infinitive contains the idea of \u200b\u200bhuman effort concentrated in one direction. In this case, the address is the throne of God and their businesses.
2. If we feel anxious about something, it must be for the Lord and his kingdom.
3. Notice what Paul says in Col.3: 1: " Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, seek the things of heaven, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. "
B. anxious life Keep your mind away from what really matters: God. When we focus on the things of this world, we become vulnerable and weak in faith. That in which we invest our strength is what weakens us. The same is true of our thoughts and attention of our consciousness: if we set our minds on things that concern us, they weaken us, and may deviate from the path of the Lord. Each of the persons have left the communion with Christ and the church is because they have not been able to focus their thoughts and their strength in God.
C. God wants us to think of anything else, just him and his kingdom. He and his kingdom should be our top priority.
A. RV60 The biblical version translate with fewer words and says "and justice." The word justice here means living in obedience to the word and commandments of the Lord.
B. " Dikaiosune (justice) is in the sayings of the Lord Jesus Let each one of the things that are involved in doing what's right before God.
1 - Of all that is right or just by itself, everything that conforms to the revealed will of God (Mt 5.6 , 10 , 20 )
2 - From all that has been designated by God to be recognized and obeyed by man (Mt 3.15; 21.32);
3 - De all the demands of God (Mt 6.33);
4 - of religious duties ( 6.1 Mt ), distinguished as giving alms, the duty of man to his neighbor (vv. 2-4 ), prayer, their duty to God (vv. 5-15 ), fasting, self-control duty (Vv. 16-18 ) and other ideas.
A. There is a reward for those who put our hearts in the Lord.
B. According to the Word of God to his servants, there is no economic crisis, but crisis of faith. God has promised to supply all our needs, but it has been necessary to believe in the Lord's provision.
C. If you have needs, based on this passage, is that your priorities are wrong.
D. God has provided for us an inexhaustible source of resources for daily life. We shall not need, borrow, humble, if we have a Lord who can worry about us. When we deal with things of the Lord, takes charge of our needs.
E. Sibling, do not continue on needs. Seek the Lord with all your heart. Love him so that he will supply everything you need.
1 - The number one task in the life of the believer is to seek God and do His will.
2 - If we deal with things of the Lord, he will take care of us. Concerned with the kingdom God, he will take care of us.
[1] Tuggy, AE (2003). Lexico Greek New Testament English (408). El Paso, TX: Editorial Mundo Hispano.
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