" know that God works all things for good for those who love God, whom he has called according to His purpose." DHH .
1. know we all go through daily challenges of various sorts. In this room there is a soul who does not have some condition. The trials are realities that we can not ignore.
2. What attitude we had against the trials? Have we complained about them or see them as the Bible the present: as blessings?
3. Paul wrote to the Philippians: I am convinced of this: he who began a good work in you will carry to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Fil.1 6. NVI. God is doing a work in you and wants to improve. How long will the training? Until Jesus comes or we go with him. He wants to bless you through this problem or pain you have.
A-obfuscated and often we do not know what to do with the problems we have. Constantly go through the same situations and we're tired. We fail to understand why things happen to us happen to us. However, God says there is no fortuitous situations, it all makes sense according to the plan of God to make us grow.
B-"know" ... If we suffer for our troubles is because we have forgotten "what we know." If we suffer for our troubles is because we see them suffering and not blessings.
C-In the semantics of God, the pain does not make sense of suffering, but for growth: God all things for the good of those who love him ... Even if you do not understand it, what wrong with you now, is good.
D-Those who have been called according to His purpose : word order, in the language of the New Testament, means plan, an implementation: plan, purpose, determination [1] this means that God has determined to do something in your life, and is determined to make it happen. To achieve this, God allows trials in your life. So everything about you is part of God's plan. Understanding this aspect of Christian life can bless the believer so help you to live confident and happy.
A "So anything that happens is you chance. Think of the trouble you have now, and wondered, how bad can it be good to me now? (List members with some problems).
B-God wants to bless your spiritual life through pain:
1 - Many Christians are asking: Why do these things happen to me? God does not want are sick, but because you are in, take advantage of that disease, come closer to God, testifies that God can and wants to heal you. One of our sisters is admitted to the hospital when I came to visit, I found her in good spirits and told me he was sharing the word with other sick room.
2 - 2 - If you're unemployed, want to glorify God in that circumstance . Many people fall into what is called self-pity. To be unemployed, they think no one helps them, their family members should help and not do, that the church should help them and do not, that government should help and it does not, in short, all complain because according to them , no one sees your pain. God does not want you to feel self-pity, God wants you to learn to trust it and throw to walk your creativity to move forward with dignity and without feeling sorry for yourself or feel a victim of others.
3 - If you have a debt, and now you have as settlement , God does not want you to pay, you ask, humiliate you, he wants to learn to trust him, you put to work the little faith you have. It must wait until the last minute. One of these days I saw a sister whom I met long ago. We once had an experience with it. The bank was about to seize what little he had in his leg, and went to the brothers for help. Another brother and I took on the task of seeking help for this woman. We visited several Christians and tell them about the problem of his sister. Most of them gave us money with great joy to help her sister. At the end of that day picked up a lot of money to meet some quota sister had to give to the bank. When we give money, encourage, and personally told him that God was with her, but it was necessary to stop lending in banks and trust God's provision. I remember the few items he had in his store, he managed to get ahead and paid his debt. For us it was a miracle how God had lifted the woman with so little he had in his shop. But it was very sad to know that after the bank the same story was repeated. Where was this woman told me that was fine, but had again been tempted to give in the bank. The end of the story is that the woman ended up losing everything, and now is starting again. The lack of trust in God makes us fall into trouble, and sometimes, like the case mentioned, we lose everything. Your debt is intended to teach you to trust God. Do not despair.
4 - Someone offended and do not know why . God does not want you begin to hate and justify your grudge against that person. He wants you to begin to pray for her and learn to forgive.
5 - you mad at your partner through the same thing yesterday and so away back . Thousand times you were angry at himself, thinking you're right. Blind, your anger and your reasons is what makes you live an unhappy life in marriage. You have repeated a thousand times the same anger and never assimilated the lesson that God wants to give. The Lord wants to make your wedding something exemplary and good witness to others, but you insist to be right and fought to come to church with your spouse.
6 - You complain because you have nothing this end of the year to put , and do not see that resource scarcity is a God to open your eyes and let you see that there are millions of reasons why you should give thanks to God. While you are sitting listening to these words, thousands of people are in a hospital bed enduring pain, millions are deprived of all prison privileges you enjoy as others are going through hardships, such as people who are in the areas natural disasters, who have lost their homes and property. At this time many people are in the cemeteries buried a loved one, but you're here in the church, and did not speak to that person close. You come to church and complain of shortages that have, but you have become blind to the many blessings you can count on and which could thank.
C-Usually we only have eyes to the dark side of things, but God says, quiet, I'm working on you. Although we are full of pain, that has a positive side, you can glorify God in your pain.
A "Suffering brings glory of God and your life. Of God because he can play his purpose in you by suffering. You because you can grow in spiritual life.
B-Jesus was called to aid Lazarus was sick, Jn.11 :3-6. But though the Lord knew that the disease was terminal, he does not get called to heal his sick friend. There is one important reason: to glorify God, v.4. For Jesus it was important not to avoid the pain of the relatives of Lazarus. For him what was in the middle was the glory of God. That was the greatest public miracle, according to some scholars, that Jesus performed. To do so, it was necessary that Lazarus died, otherwise God would not have been glorified. " aware that God is not busy to make us happy, but to fulfill its purposes. " [2]
C-in our values, our well-being should not come at the start. I usually do not want to suffer, we wanted to avoid suffering, disease, scarcity, the pain of a situation. But when we want to avoid suffering, we get to cuddle us first, and we close our eyes to what brings pain once passed. Is to glorify God by your suffering, and you want to avoid suffering. God allows you to pass along a very narrow, so that when the end, leave your faith strengthened and gigantic. God is the artist who is shaping your character through the test.
D-How is God glorified through pain?
- recognizes that God wants to use all your situations to make a good, no matter what kind of experiences are.
- Be patient until the end of the test, God is doing a work of art in your life, but you have to wait until the end.
- Thank God, because even if you do not understand what you go through, he loves you and demonstrates testing you. View
- the end of the road: If you are a person full of joy because through the tunnel, without complaint, and now you're better Christians, more mature, more confident, and I could see it was worth it because now you are suffering better.
A-"Why have you experienced the same thing over and over again? Because you have not learned the lesson. If a child fails a test, this does not indicate that it has failed, but did their best to study, and now the challenge is to really study. While the child does not pass your exam, you can not to the next level of study. Such is the spiritual life, but we passed the test, this will be repeated as often as necessary to make us grow.
B-Any affliction that is not overcome with success is destined to be repeated constantly. Therefore, we learn the lessons that brings the pain.
C-Gonzalo Baez Camargo, Mexican humanist, wrote the following poem, which he describes clearly what God is doing in our lives:
The Artist:
When the chisel struck
firstgranite block a deep cry, threw
like raw
of that rock the game involves
Piedad Lord! What rage, what rage cruel and crazy
encourages you against me? Why you hurt me?
In the lap of my mother I was rock
happy in my life quiet and forgotten ...
happy unconsciousness of my nothingness
and nothing to get happy in my unconscious! More
today, your iron spark ignition
How insane rage starts pieces of my chest hurt!
away! Let me! Thine hand!
a hit! And another blow!
another one! Other! And more! And another yet!
The artist said nothing and continued
Although he was the very heart broken
For the pain of the stone that cried.
And so, under the blows of the chisel cutting,
beaten by the deck, was open that block
like quivering flesh ...
Each blow, a shining spark,
each blow, a scream ...
a scream and a form that emerged from the block of granite! Martyred
gestation, torment,
made fertile by the miraculous hand
praying with vigorous incision or slightly touching,
was brought from the amorphous mass,
under His designs inspired
here, a smooth contour, an edge there ...
Pain! Chisel operator in the hands of the artist!
And so the block that came
a way that encouraged life in
The stone chest
Press, live, hot, softened,
Finally a heart ...
stone in the eyes of a hot tear shone ...
stone on the lips of grateful, reverent, humble,
voice trembled at last!
"Forgive, Divine Artist of love and pain.
Forgive me, Lord! I did not know!
The artist said nothing and smiled ...
- When you down an ordeal and that seems endless, remember: God is working and has a purpose. THAT MEETS PROPÓSTIO.
- When the uncertainty that causes doubt overwhelm you, and do not know why you spend one or other penalty, remember, know only one thing: know that God works all things together for good to those who love ...
- Although things are difficult, God guarantees success at the end.
- Neustr God is working in life, and the final results we will see in the sky, when we are with Christ. We shall see in the image of Christ and finally realize that all the suffering undergone in this world was worth it.
[1] Swanson, J. (1997). Dictionary b ıblicos language: Greek (New Testament) (electronic edition.) (GGK4606). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
[2] Bible daily living. 2000, c1996 (electronic ed.) (Ro 8.28). Nashville: Editorial Caribe.
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