Yesterday, around 4:00 pm, took place at the Bolivar Hall, at the headquarters of the Colombian Foreign Ministry, The official presentation of the "Contest Meet the Pope's World Youth Day, which promotes the Embassy of Colombia to the Holy See, and has the support of Revel Foundation Colombia-institution that encourages youth leadership, and the Organization of World Youth Day (WYD) Madrid 2011.
The presentation was made by the Ambassador of Colombia to the Holy See, Cesar Mauricio Velasquez, who since last December 6 in the country is promoting the initiative, "the Director of the Foundation Revel in Colombia, Carlos Salazar , and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, Ambassador Miguel Camilo Ruiz.
Velazquez, who said the most important aspects of the Day, said the bill was written after someone told him "It's great that the youth of Colombia participate ", but to participate with merit and" soak and participate "in what the Pope says, he said. Reason, which created a competition which aims to reward young people who, through their creativity, develop videos and articles -that are "new ways of knowing what the Pope says," as he said the Colombian Ambassador, which displayed the essence of the Encyclical "Caritas in veritate", Benedict XVI.
For his part, Ambassador Ruiz, who emphasized the Ministry of Foreign Affairs promote this type of event, said the contest is an opportunity for young Colombians representing the other nation's youth with a message of faith and hope.
Contest rules
Prizes will be awarded to 18 youth divided into two types -9 in the form of essay or article, and 9-Filminutos or video clip, which in turn are divided into three age categories : freshmen, 14 to 17 years, young standard of 18 to 23 years, and young scholars from 24 to 30 years.
As explained in the official contest site, article or essay should be self-produced emphasis on one or more of the paragraphs that arise in the encyclical the Holy Father. The three best essays in each category will be those who will be awarded.
The mode of "Filminutos", meanwhile, is a video of one minute up to be delivered on DVD with a creative message that stands at least one of the messages of "Caritas in veritate". The video can be delivered in audiovisual format of choice, either spot, propaganda, drama, news, etc.. In this mode also be awarding the top 3 "Filminutos" in each of the categories.
The call for the contest was officially opened on 8 December and will continue through May 13, 2011. More information about the contest can be found at the site Gaudium
Press / Sonia Trujillo
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