Sunday, September 26, 2010

Whats The Difference Mino

Paper: An urban observatory optimized

This is the paper with which I participated in the nineteenth Astronomy State Congress. The presentation is available for viewing in pdf format download from here.

The work focuses on how to get the most out of a telescope in urban areas and to mitigate the effects of light pollution. Despite the poor quality of the results, compared with the observation of dark skies, the use a telescope mounted at home is much higher for the greatest number of hours available each night watching and saving down time for the assembly, disassembly and transportation of equipment.
Now However, the approach is made from a type of observation-oriented data collection, astrometry and photometry. Other modalities may have a lower tolerance to light pollution and turbulence that favors the urban environment, such as for astrophotography with aesthetic or visual observation of deep sky.

A time of submission of the paper

However, it is striking how the technique of CCD image has a considerable extent even in a bright sky background as it is in the city, allowing capture faint stars and deep sky objects like galaxies not too extensive.

"Observatories" urban and which serves as an example, the MPC code J30, face additional problems such as obstruction by buildings and having the restricted field of view the western horizon, up to 60 degrees latitude. From the west, after passing through the meridian, the stars are falling up to the sunset, so after starting to be visible soon lose height and are at a disadvantage to be observed.

In these circumstances the best way to use the site to establish an optimum zone of observation, which will be between 50 and 20 degrees latitude and 250 and 330 degrees of azimuth. Objects within this strip are the ones with a right ascension equal to local sidereal time at least 2 hours of hour angle, and a declination between +20 ° and +60 °.

Programming of comments under this criterion can observe in the best possible conditions at this place. However, the use is still limited by the number of hours that the viewer can focus on operating the equipment, and will be limited by the daily rest.

However, the computerization of the telescopes, and via computer control brings with it the ability to handle the mount, camera and other devices from the software, and, moreover, can do that by a script orders can be established by the pc, independently, handle all the team, making to send point to an object, that CCD make a series of exhibitions and to store, filter wheel by using a proper filter and control, for example, the correct approach and acting on a motorized focuser.

Exposing the conclusions

Thus, programs like autotelcam or ccdcommander, you can automate your computer and have the ability to delegate to the computer all the repetitive tasks. Working automatically, the observer can spend the night to rest and presents the opportunity to use all clear nights, all week, from dusk to dawn.

J30 Observatory, working in automatic mode is running scripts, each with a selection of articles covering 1 hour of right ascension. At a rate of 10 images of 60 seconds per object, 7 or 8 can observe objects in the optimum range of height. In an average night would see, stretched to the limit, about 80 celestial objects.

In practice, when visible the densest areas of the Milky Way, the telescope comes to making observations of 40 objects. Since it was launched observation automated, have come to make 2397medidas brightness is about 70 objects, ranging from eruptive variable stars, pulsating variable stars, quasars, and extragalactic supernovae.

has been given special attention from the start to monitoring the activity of eruptive stars, in particular subtypes or dwarf nova U Geminorum, and SW Sextantis. In this type of observation, which is necessary to obtain brightness measurements almost nightly, automated observation is of unquestionable effectiveness.

In conclusion, the scheduling of the observations, on the one hand, and automation through software, have allowed leverage to a location at the beginning it seemed unattractive for astronomy. This way of working is likely to continue in the coming years, perhaps until the remote control of telescopes in dark sky sites represent a viable alternative.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Prints To Make A Pool Table

The sky at 8.3 megapixels

Tonight I took my new camera QHY9, equipped with CCD sensor KAF-8300 Kodak, 13x18mm and 5.4x5.4 micron pixel. The focus of my reflector telescope of 203 mm and 1600 mm focal length offers a field of 20x39 arcmin, really generous and very comfortable to work.

Telescope with the new QHY-9

Ritchey-Chretien optics seems to give good results, judging by the first light the camera we see below.

"First light of the QHY-9 in the RC 8", with a view of M13

some stars are achieved fairly thin and round around the field, including borders, and all at a hastily-made approach; the definition we have allows us to capture a variety of nuances in the cluster M13. No decision has been applied or dark (dark) or flat, noise pixels can be seen loose in the upper left corner, but it is generally enough to achieve lower easily achieved a temperature of -25 º C.

Comparison QHY-9, QHY2 Pro and Xpress MX516 Starlight, from left to right, compare the sizes of each respective CCD detectors model.

Camera being good, but there are still things to resolve with the software, primarily for the wheel holder.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ruger 10 22 Bullpup 10 22-muzzelite

XIX National Congress on Astronomy - Madrid 2010 (I)

After the summer break to charge back telling you all the progress of this new edition of the state legislature, always from my point of view. The opening day was only a small snack and maybe gives no idea of \u200b\u200bwhat may become this year's CEA. So far I have seen some chaos in the organization, who had no qualifications to deliver lists the participants at the time of registration. Putting diligence on the part of the organization, and patience ours has remedied the problem at the end of this first day.

We started with the opening ceremony in which they intervened ASAAF president and vice president, the president of the AAM , Dean of the Faculty of Physical Sciences and the President of the SEA.

The conference itself opened with a lecture by Dr. Carlos Frenk, professor at the University of Durham, UK together. With the title "Our Improbable Universe," toured throughout Cosmology twentieth century up to recent developments, with the emergence of the problem of dark matter, the inflationary model and the search for observational evidence to corroborate, with emphasis on the study of cosmic microwave background.

showed positive results achieved by its working group to a recent survey of galaxies to study the large-scale, and an interesting simulation to show the role of dark matter in the formation Galactic, insisted the entire conference may concepts already known, not much new for an audience with a background in cosmology.

After listening to Dr. Frenk could attend at the end of this first meeting, a lecture-concert by José Antonio Caballero and Nick Lizard group . The peculiarity of this collaboration is that this set of Granada, led by Antonio Arias take astronomical themes in the lyrics of their songs. In a truly multimedia show entitled "multiverse" will alternate interventions Knight with music Nick lizard.

Although the original proposal, Arias music and let me get me get a little cold. I have liked more other openings of conferences, as one last year in which two performers gave us work and Michellangelo Vincenzo Galilei, father and brother, respectively, of Galileo. And celebrated with enthusiasm in another call the organizer was encouraged to perform works by William Herschel.

After the ceremony we went to Riofrío restaurant where the dinner took place brotherhood. There I greeted old friends and talk to them, in the cocktail and during dinner. Tomorrow we have the papers.

The fellowship dinner with Adolfo Sansone

The continuation of the chronicle is available here.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hatchette Vs Genitals

the greatest commandment

1P.1: 15.16.

Purpose: "Understand that we must practice daily sanctification, to reach the heavenly goal. "


1 - In the pagan religions of the societies of the ancient East, the worship of their gods was offered to different practices by the worshipers, who descended to practice sexual immorality, human sacrifices, banquets and drunkenness to pervert the character of the people.
2 - It was in the midst of a society like this, that God called his people: "Be holy because I am Holy" Lv.11: 44.45.
3 - The society in which we live is no different than those that existed in biblical times we live in a time in which corruption is practiced as a way of life, which permanently corrupts the soul with sexual immorality, where indifference prevails, and human values \u200b\u200bare lost constantly.
4 - is in the midst of a society that God calls his people "Be holy because I am Holy" 1P.1: 15.16. Holiness is a command which have been called, and considering the current behavior of human beings, it is urgent to address this call.

I-ALL BELIEVERS ARE called to sanctify.

A-It is a special call for a group of people, is a call for you, is a call for the people of God, 1P.1: 16. If you are part of God's people, has also been called.

B-God has done his part to save us, to us to fulfill our responsibility to sanctify. Although it is God who sanctifies the believer must be ready to be sanctified. Your mind must be open to the word to obey, to be in constant growth, to which we call "sanctification."

C-According to the Apostle John, 1Jn.3: 3, the process of sanctification is the result of eternal hope in us. People who understand that we were headed to eternity, while we fight this fate, purifying our daily lives.

D-Many leaders in the world are called to the masses, and people respond, we ourselves have been called to concentrations of different kinds. because God has called us to a righteous life, pure, holy, apart from the world's pollution. Have we responded to his call to sanctify?

II-because God is holy.

A-The call that we received is based on the holiness of God. When the Apostle John was taken to heaven and saw the glory of God through a song about beings which read: "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord" ... Ap.4: 8. Some have said the three holy words of the adjective in this verse refers to the trinity of God. However, in terms More practically, the reiteration of the holiness of God three times, the absolute sanctity of his being. God is thrice holy, holy is superlatively.
1 - The nature of God, his character, his person, his essence "is" holy. Is completely apart from all unrighteousness.
2 - His Holiness is something we can imitate, 1P.1: 15.

B-Many people conform to the wishes of the world, the influence of people around them, but God has called us to be like those around us, called us to be like himself. "But as he which hath called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct." 1P.1: 15.

C-We must then, to understand that every sin we commit is against God. When the young prodigal returned to his father's side, said "I have sinned against heaven and against you." Lc.15: 19.21. When David acknowledged his wickedness, that's what he said: "Against thee, thee only have I sinned" ... Psalm 51:4. This will be limited to those actions that are openly sinful, because as children of God we must guard against all kinds of impurities.

III-let us submit, then, the process of sanctification.

A-After understanding the call of God and the holiness that he has, let us submit to sanctification process which leads to the eternal habitations.

B-This process involves several steps:
1 - started at the time of our conversion, our heart, Jn.3 5. The new birth takes a moment, the moment of baptism, but the lifelong sanctification.
2 - Must be willing to sanctify. The writer of Hebrews said, "Pursue peace with all men and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord." He.12: 14: "Follow" is a verb that involves perseverance and the desire to be holy. If you wish, you can be holy, God wants you to be holy.
3 - off the old man who is flawed and corrupt., Eph.4: 22.24. We have the courage to give up those things that stain our lives. That is why the Apostle Peter exhorts us to sanctify our entire way of life. Our whole way of life encompasses every inch of time we have in this body, all our actions and habits, each of the habits we have developed, if they are against the will of God, we give them. Our
to-speech, which involves not only did not say bad words, but use a proper tone, and no murmur, and leave the crying, etc. B-Attitudes
inappropriate. Col.4: 8.9.
c-At work, study, family, our ways of reacting. D-Being wedded
to certain things or practices, Rm.6: 16.20. There are practices that enslave us: sex, food, drink, TV. words, politics, sports, etc. Anything that dominate us, outside the word of God, must be revised to avoid making slips of our sanctification. Bad habits can be responsible for that we do not sanctify
4 - Change our thoughts, Eph.4: 23. our thoughts order our behavior. Thought saint, is equal to a holy life.
5 - subject to the Word of God, Jn.17: 17, Eph.4: 24.
6 - Drawing on Jesus' sacrifice to maintain the sanctity, as this should never fade, He.13: 12; Lv.4.

C-When enter into the process of sanctification, we should not categorize sin simply reject it. Because we think that something is not sin, does not make something lawful, remember that sanctification is not a mental state, is a lifestyle. If we give in to the little things, these would cause us great damage.

D-This process should be integral in our being, 1Tsl.5: 23.

E "Sometimes this process is interrupted by the sins that plague us. When Paul used the word sanctification, used the term in contrast to the immorality and filth, 1Tsl.4 :3-7. Peter used the term in contrast to life according to the sinful desires of Christ we had before., 1P.1 :14-16; Eph.4 :22-24.

IV-HARVEST sanctification.

A-Sanctification is a process that will end when we reach eternity, which will have huge rewards. Rm.6: 22.

B "First we must understand that it is a requirement to see God, He.12: 14. We will see God for our sanctification.

C "In this life is a condition for the blessings of God, Nm.11: 18; Jos.3 5. The world has yet seen what God can do with a man completely sanctified!

D-will climb to Mount Lord Sal.24: 3.4.

1 - How Hays responded to God's call to holiness? What part of we?
2 - In the skies we'll get the surprise of not seeing people who expected to see, all for not following the ongoing process of sanctification.
3 - All sin is against God.
4 - We can imitate the holiness of God.