Purpose: Spreading the cunning of the enemy against us to keep us on track, and knowing, be freed from the oppression it causes.
1 - This is a sermon in which talk of Satan and what he does against the sons of God. He is very interested mainly in us because the world has it in his hands, Eph.2: 2; 1Jn.5: 19.
2 - We are constantly stalked with his darts of fire, Ef.6: 16. because we live in a world of darkness that surrounds us: "For our struggle is not against human powers but against evil spiritual forces of heaven, which have control, authority and control over the dark world around us . Ef.6: 12.
3 - Can the enemy have control of us? How can we fight their control? Freeing their wiles can not, but if we can free ourselves from its influence on our lives.
- For a long time I heard that the enemy is more concerned about those who are no longer with him than those in the world, but nobody said anything else.
1. Nobody told me that haunts us daily 1P.5 8.
2. told me not trying to take control of my life, Hch.5 3.
3. He wants to trick me live defeated Jn.8: 44.
- What are their weapons?
1. Lies is the Devil's main weapon against us.
a) The main lie is that God uses lies, Gn.3: 1,4,5.
b) not want to trust
c) wants to make you feel like a useless, worthless, you can get divorced because you deserve to be happy, wants to take control of your mind to keep you enslaved a miserable life full of disasters. often makes you think that it is not worth serving God. He wants us to think that he is able , but it is more powerful than any Christian who fights against him, Stg.4.7.
2. Ignorance is another of his weapons. Os.4 6.
3. The devil tries to keep afraid all the time of our pilgrimage. The fear is the effect of the lie
- The effect of the enemy's influence in our lives, we submit to slavery of a life miserable and joyless, defeated, no spiritual victory ever. HE.2: 15.
- God does not work effectively with a life that has not been fully released from the big lie.
- When we of believing, and we believe our position as sons of God, bring down the work of the enemy in our lives. Christ already defeated, and we can beat having full security of our position as sons of God, Eph.2 :4-6. We are with Christ in authority in the heavenly realms. That we are on thrones with Christ, means that we have authority over the powers of darkness, all because we are close to invincible King, who has defeated Satan forever. Beside, we also have the same authority.
- The first function of the enemy is to blind the understanding of the world, 2Co.4: 3.4. Therefore, also wants to stop our mind with the darkness of their lies. The battle that Satan wages is controlling our thoughts, control our mind, so you say, God does not answer my prayers, things go wrong in the church, it all goes wrong, I can not do so. But all human thought must be neutralized and converted to Christ, 2Co.10 5. We already mentioned that he wants to take control, Hch.5 3. Someone asked me how we can change negative thoughts, my answer was that only the sword of the Spirit, Ef.6: 12. 1Jn.2 14. The devil is a cockroach, when cockroaches crawl around the kitchen or somewhere in the house do when all the lights are out. But if you turn on the light, they immediately try to hide. When Satan sees the light of God's truth, try to hide, because the word of God is truth and is a liar.
- Through knowledge of the Word
1. p long or Satan deceived me. I was convinced that everything was going wrong. Blessed my day, but I was the opposite of what he asked for in prayer, so I stopped to pray for blessings for my day. The devil took hold of me through the fear and I fed you with more fear, until I understood and began to believe what God's word says.
2. Knowledge is power , but when it leads to two things: the first is that this knowledge will change, and the second, which you closer to God. knowledge If you have not done any of this, is knowledge that is useless. We take the direction of change, taking as a parameter
3. Christ is a good example of effectively using the word against the enemy. Lc.4.
- Recognizing that we are in Christ . Col.2 :9-12. In Christ and with Christ we have all authority over the roaring lion. Only roars, but has no fangs or claws against us. 1Jn.5: 18.
- ask the Holy Spirit discernment of God's work to identify and counteract enemy.
- Do we have to live under the slavery of our desires? No way. Sin enslaves us, but the Spirit of the Lord has the keys to set us free. View Ro.8: 2. even have confidence that we can act without feeling guilty, as long as sin is not what we do, Ro.14: 22 . The Spirit frees us from guilt, 2Co.3: 17.
- Christ has all the domain, and we with it, Eph.2: 6.
- total protection as children of God, 1Jn.5: 18.
- n gave you the freedom to think, to act as children of light, Col.1: 13.14.
- We are distinguished as children of light, 1Tls.5 5.
- When we stop believing in the lie of the enemy we experience liberation and comes to us indescribable joy.
1 - As children of God we have total victory over the enemy and we must not sin again. The devil has nothing in notros, therefore we can not be tricked us sin.
2 - The devil is a coward, and is weak, so we can win, Stg.4: 7.