Saturday, April 30, 2011

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Happy Sunday of Divine Mercy!

Appropriate Decibel Ear Plugs


Colombia's Ambassador to the Holy See, Cesar Mauricio Velasquez, talks about the beatification of John Paul II and the activities that your country has planned to commemorate the Pope's visit to the Nation 25 years ago s.


About Pope
J ohn Paul II was a Pope who knew how to love everyone. A friend demanding and comprehensive. An important intellectual of the twentieth century, studious and profound. A man of God who spent many hours in prayer and love of life. The Pope lived in a heroic human virtue. He was sincere, loyal, hard working, responsible, pious and charitable. The many anecdotes about his life serve to highlight the image of a humble shepherd, with a desire to proclaim a speech on social justice without violence and was a man who loved infinitely not only God but to his servants. Hit me on a trip to Brazil entered a poor house in Sao Paolo and the people who were there, some children, material assistance asked, he had prayed, fell from his papal ring, the only thing carrying value , and left in the hands of the mother of those children.

His teachings

his life taught us to love more and better when it has suffered the most. After living and suffering the two totalitarian ideologies, Communism and Nazism, learned and taught us that man is worthy because he is the son of God, that life begins at conception and ends at natural death and the family man , wife and children.

His doctrine
Who had the fortune to meet John Paul II, we now have the happy duty to it known in all environments. It was a Pope who knew how to pursue a challenging and supportive friend, one of the most important intellectuals of the twentieth century, a man of God. A visionary who use new forms of communication bring the essence of the Gospel and Christian doctrine. Go down in history as the great defender of human life and dignity. Records

is true that it was the Pope of great records. His pontificate was the third longest in history, traveled over 1,200,000 miles, visited 129 countries, made 26 official trips to Latin America, 104 trips outside Italy, celebrated a Mass in the Philippines which was attended by more than 4 million People, canonized 482 people and beatified 1,338 blesseds. However, I'm impressed that despite their pilgrimages and their mass audiences, was one of the popes who else has spent hours and hours in prayer before the tabernacle. From then pulled all the forces, as well as to celebrate Mass every day. In Cali, for instance, saw the one o'clock in the Seminary chapel in prayer, and stayed until two in the morning, while everyone rested in the midst of long days.

"beatification or canonization? Beatification

John Paul II canonized not be beatified. Beatification is the authorization given by the Holy Father for people to worship publicly an exemplary Christian after a miracle checked medically unexplained is the step before canonization or sanctification. After a process to set deadlines for the Law of the Church, John Paul II will be beatified and made a part of the Blessed of the Catholic Church as are the Father or Mother Marianito Laura de Colombia. After this first step, if the Vatican finds other medically unexplained miracle, John Paul II be canonised. Let's wait. At this stage there is no time limit, it depends on the new miracles that can be substantiated before the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. It may be that in less than two years we are in the canonization ceremony. The important thing is that whether in the beatification or canonization, God continues to act through saints, blessed and pious for the good of humanity.

date John Paul II will be beatified by the miraculous cure of a French nun Marie Simon Pierre, who suffered since 2001 from Parkinson's disease. Two months after the death of the Pope in April 2005, the nun was cured in an "inexplicable" and "immediate." After the commission of cardinals and bishops of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints found the miracle, the Vatican decided that May 1 was the day of his beatification. It was a good time for the Church. It is the day of St. Joseph the Worker's Day Labour. Sunday of Divine Mercy, a special devotion was John Paul II.
Assistance and projection

days of joy is living in Rome. The legacy of John Paul II is present everywhere. The Vatican has said it will come at least 1 million 200 thousand. However, various newspapers have invested more than 1 ½ million people will be at the beatification. In Poland, it is believed to come over 400 thousand people. To date, close to attend at least 87 official delegations from around the world and 16 Heads of State and Government as well as members of the ruling houses. Rome will be a party of thousands of people came from all corners of the earth will remember the image of the Pilgrim Pope.

Rome and the beatification
are historic days in Rome. From the civil point of view is an event of interest. It is the great event of the year in this city which is extraordinary public services, from air operations to schedule additional special means of communication and transportation Romans. In the shops near the Vatican are all kinds of objects that revive the image of Wojtyla: postcards, thimbles, mugs, rosaries, candles, flags and books. Rome's subway ticket is printed in a special with the image of Juan Paul II, the official Vatican newspaper prepared a special publication and the Postal Service created a stamp to mark the beatification. Around San Pedro Square, site of the beatification, there are huge screens that broadcast images of his travels, including Colombia in 1986. From the spiritual point of view is a moment of general joy and fervor, as when an athlete wins the gold medal in the most demanding race of life.

agenda The official agenda released by the Vatican includes six great moments. The first occurred on April 29 and was a private ceremony in which his closest collaborators and Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, and the ecclesiastical authorities of the Holy See opened his grave and took the coffin was transferred to St. Peter's Basilica. The second celebration will be a vigil of preparation, on Saturday 30 April from 21 hours in the Circus Maximus in Rome, presided over by the vicar general of the pope, Cardinal Agostino Vallini. The third great moment will be the beatification at 10am in the Plaza de San Pedro, the ceremony presided by Pope Benedict XVI. After the ceremony, proceed to the veneration of the relics of John Paul II, who will be placed before the Altar of Confession in St. Peter's Basilica. The fifth time is Monday, May 2 with the celebration of the Mass of thanksgiving in St. Peter's Square, which will be chaired by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State. Finally, the last celebration, will be the placement of the remains of John Paul II in St Peter Basilica, Chapel of St. Sebastian without public participation.

Tomb As new blessed in the process of canonization, Pope John Paul II will occupy one of the chapels of the Basilica of San Pedro, in this case that of San Sebastian where it will be closer to the thousands of pilgrims and devotees wanting to visit his grave. On 29 April, the tomb John Paul II was opened and the coffin was taken from the Vatican Grottoes. After a ceremony of prayer, his body was placed in front of the tomb of St. Peter. Stay there until Sunday, when transferred to the final location in the Chapel of San Sebastián.

beatification ceremony
The Holy Father, Benedict XVI will celebrate Mass in the company of cardinals, bishops, priests from around the world, heads of State and Government, members of ruling houses and the faithful gathered in Rome. It will be a very solemn ceremony of 400 voices accompanied by the Vatican choir.

The symbol of the Pope in Colombia
remember the Pope arrived in Colombia in the midst of many difficulties and pains. The takeover of the Palace of Justice, the tragedy of Armero, killing guerrillas in each corner and the growing drug trade. The Pope was very hard and clear in its pronouncements on drugs, corruption and violence. Also remember the sorrow at the death of many people in Armero and accompanying relatives of the victims. No doubt the image of the Pope in our country is the deep prayer time before that huge concrete cross in Armero. During his visit, the illegal armed groups and Colombia made a truce lived seven days of peace. The image of John Paul II in Colombia is associated with a message peaceful coexistence, Christian humility and charisma.

Colombia and the beatification
It was a happy coincidence the beatification of Pope and 25 years of his visit to Colombia. Their imprint is deep in our country. So began last March 3rd celebrations with the Forum "John Paul II and its footprint in Colombia," which inaugurated President Juan Manuel Santos and former President Belisario Betancur, who received him in July 1986. As part of that celebration, I visited most of the places where he was. I met with mayors, governors, bishops, rectors of universities and colleges to revive her figure. I found the love by Pope is immense, it was he who brought a message of peace to people of good will. In different parts of the country will inaugurate public works, schools, churches and parks in his honor.

The Embassy and the beati fication

is estimated that over one thousand Colombians came to beatification. On April 30, the day before the beatification, we have a prayer vigil and Mass celebrated by Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos at the Church of Santa Ana, in the Vatican. This ceremony was attended by the Foreign Minister who will lead the delegation of Colombia. On 1 May, the Embassy will host a luncheon in honor the Colombian delegation. Then on May 2 will present the documentary premiere "Huella y Camino: 25 years after his visit to Colombia," a historical record that brings to life the Holy Father's visit to Colombia in 1986. We are also collaborating in the implementation of various publications to be submitted in Colombia and Rome before July. web page you can find all information about John Paul II and his mark in Colombia.

John Paul II Documentary
We have supported from the Embassy the production of a documentary outlining the Pope's visit in 1986 to our country. It is a good historical document to be released on 1 May in Rome and later in Colombia. Infocus company and its director Ignacio Penagos assumed realization. The original song is the group's documentary Antioquia floor 21 and the original soundtrack of English conductor Iñigo Pirfano. It is possible that the Colombian television broadcast in the coming days.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Definicion De Per Capita

Follow Jesus!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Keep Getting Sinus Infections

Happy Easter!

Cristo Vive!

Anything or anyone take away this joy!

Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Waiting Period Elimination Period Disability

peaceful and there is no more violence, the Pope calls for Colombia in the Palm Sunday

Vatican City, April 17 (EFE) .- Pope Benedict XVI today called for an end to the violence in Colombia, in the traditional Sunday Angelus prayer from the Plaza de San Pedro del Vaticano.

The Pope recalled, in English, that next Friday we celebrate the Day of Prayer for Victims of Violence and joins said "spiritually" to this important initiative, while called "strongly" Colombians to participate.

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also said that requests to God "for all those in this beloved nation has been cruelly deprived of his life and assets", while renewing his "call to conversion , repentance and reconciliation. "

"Stop Violence in Colombia, peace reigns in it," the Holy Father.

Colombia's ambassador to the Holy See, César Mauricio Velásquez Ossa, told Efe that the Pope is "to" carefully "the situation in his country, where more than 35 people have died in the last week due to strong rain and asked aid for the victims.

"The Pope came to the victims of winter with prayer and action. Ask God for the victims and calls for action to address the emergency. From the Embassy to the Holy See and encouraged by the Pope have sought new aid for the victims. International Caritas continues to help through the parishes in the areas most affected by the disaster, "said the ambassador. César Mauricio Velásquez

Ossa said to mark the birthday of the Pope, who turned 84 yesterday, he sent fresh Colombian coffee in a package with the colors of the flag.
The sweets were accompanied by a brief card saying, "some candy from Colombia to the Sweet Christ on Earth," said the ambassador.

The Colombian diplomat also told Efe that the beatification of John Paul II, on 30 April the Colombian Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos will preside at a prayer vigil and a Mass at the Vatican, in the church of Santa Ana .

The ceremony was attended by the Foreign Minister who will lead the delegation of Colombia in the beatification of Pope Wojtylam, May 1 at the Vatican.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Images Of Various Breast Sizes

Blessed Easter my land!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

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How hard it is to be Duck! :-D


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